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Sun, Apr 9 2017 6:21 AM (36 replies)
  • craigswan
    31,550 Posts
    Thu, Apr 6 2017 12:34 AM

    one cool dude .

  • craigswan
    31,550 Posts
    Thu, Apr 6 2017 12:39 AM

    page 3 at last dave .

    what is mightier - the stick or the big guy .

  • phred952
    2,714 Posts
    Thu, Apr 6 2017 2:04 AM


    page 3 at last dave .

    what is mightier - the stick or the big guy .

    Rock, Paper, Scissors, GUN.  No mention of a stick.

  • craigswan
    31,550 Posts
    Thu, Apr 6 2017 3:16 AM

    A message for mister grumpy . Before he comes on here .

    Castro couldn't even go to the bathroom unless the Soviet Union put the nickel in the toilet.

    Peow5 ANickel Aint Worth ADime Anymore GIF - Peow5 ANickelAintWorthADimeAnymore GIFs

  • craigswan
    31,550 Posts
    Thu, Apr 6 2017 3:36 AM

    Easter eggs .

    Dear Cadburys,

    . I am writing in regards to your product Creme Eggs. They are absolutely delicious and also challenging. I love trying to take the foil off without ripping it, which is surprisingly difficult. Anyway the reason i am writing apart from to congratulate you on such a great product, is to just check for my own peace of mind that the chickens that lay Creme Eggs have a good standard of living.

    Are they free range as i am unable to find this information on the packaging? It's just that you see so many things on television about the mistreatment of animals that i wanted to be sure that I am enjoying a product that has been made by a happy chicken. Are the chickens cooped up all day or are they allowed to wander about and see their families and friends?
    I'm curious as the Crème Eggs seem to have gotten smaller in the past few years.... Or maybe i'm just bigger.
     I would also like to inform you of how i eat mine as the advert constantly asks and i'm sure you may need it for market research - I shove it all in my mouth, and sometimes chew.
     I am sure you are asked this all the time, but would it be possible to purchase one of the Creme Egg laying chickens? I promise i will not sell them,
    i'd just like to raise one and have my own constant supply. I will offer a good price. If it's not possible to buy a chicken that lays the normal size Creme Eggs, would it possible to buy a mini chicken that lays the mini Creme Eggs.

    Also what happens if the egg collectors miss an egg? Does it turn into a Creme Chicken? and do the chickens lay Creme Eggs with the wrappers on? I know i've asked alot of questions but i was arguing with a collegue at work the other day and i'm hoping to prove them wrong. I look forward to a prompt reply.


  • craigswan
    31,550 Posts
    Thu, Apr 6 2017 3:43 AM

    KITKAT .

    i am writing in regards to your product, Kit Kat.
    I am a huge fan of KitKats, they’re just simply wonderful, and when I am at work, and I have a break, I have a KitKat.
    It fills me with sorrow to say that I’m writing to complain.
    It all started when I purchased a KitKat from the vending machine at work. I was indecisive as to press C3 or C4 as there were two rows of KitKats.
    However I soon made my mind up and opted for the latter. I literally rushed back to my desk because I was so excited to eat it. I carefully unwrapped it so I didn’t break any of the fingers because that’s really annoying and I dunked it into my hot chocolate. The first two fingers were delicious. I have no complaints.

    A delicious balance of chocolaty goodness and crispy wafer. However when I took a bite out of my 3rd finger, I could not believe it! It was pure chocolate. Not a single trace of a crispy wafer. I thought it might start further down but it didn’t. It never started. It was just chocolate. I immediately started on the last finger which I couldn’t believe it. It was exactly the same, just chocolate.
     I was most disappointed but it was very clear what I had to do. I had to inform you people at Nestle, that somebody has sabotaged the KitKats and is eating the wafers out of the middle.
    Though impressive because there were no nibble marks on it and it’s beyond me or any stretch of my imagination how they got the wafer out without breaking the chocolate. I hope that you will thoroughly investigate this and I’m looking forward to a prompt reply.



  • craigswan
    31,550 Posts
    Thu, Apr 6 2017 4:04 AM

    Dear Henry .

    Hope you enjoyed your las vegas trip .


    I'm writing this letter slowly because I know that you cannot read fast.

    You won't know the house when you come home. . They have moved .


    Congratulations on your new job . Your have 500 men under you cutting the grass at the cemetery.

    There was a washing machine in the new house when they moved in, but it wasn't working too good. Last week she put 14 shirts into it, pulled the chain, and she haven't seen the shirts since.

    Your sister Mary had a baby this morning. I haven't found out whether it is a boy or girl, so I don't know whether you're an aunt or uncle.

    I went to the doctor on Thursday and your wife came with me. The doctor put a small tube into my mouth and told me not to open it for ten minutes. .She offered to buy it from him.

    It only rained twice last week. First for 3 days, and then for 4 days. Monday it was so windy that one of your chickens laid the same egg four times.

    They had a letter yesterday from the undertaker. He said if the last installment wasn't paid on your grandmother within 7 days; up she comes.

    Your One and Only Friend .

  • craigswan
    31,550 Posts
    Thu, Apr 6 2017 7:50 AM

    Where you been guys .

    Been playing that no 45 cc clash all day .

    Never usually play with the sound on but this time I did .

    Hit 3 shots - 2 heading for the rough and 1 going in a bunker .

    Each time the commentator says that's in the garden spot and sure enough .

    First 2 stops rolling and stayed on the fairway by inches .

    Other one took one bounce in the bunker and rolled back onto the fairway .

    That voice knows what he is saying .

  • craigswan
    31,550 Posts
    Thu, Apr 6 2017 7:53 AM

    This is what we call the 45 second clock .

  • craigswan
    31,550 Posts
    Thu, Apr 6 2017 7:57 AM