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Course Territories!

rated by 0 users
Sat, Apr 8 2017 5:03 AM (0 replies)
  • Williams01210021
    1,232 Posts
    Sat, Apr 8 2017 5:03 AM

    A new idea for a club v club event.

    Once a month for a few days all course will become territories. During this time your club can play a round on any of the courses and score points (like in the club clashes) Also Bonus points for any Hole in one's on the course. A member can play any course at any time to score points and each course will have a club total. Which ever club has the most points on that course at the end earns the right to have that course as their Territory until the next Course Territories happen when they all reset and start again.

    Each course will have different rewards, some being better than others. For example,

    St Andrews: Golden Wedge (new item like the cc putter just in wedge form, maybe a 70degree wedge or something) , course builder x1, 50 credits 

    Chambers bay: Dozen balls, Double exp boost for a day

    Merion: Free club rentals for a week, exp boost for club 

    Pinehurst: course builder x 3, sleeve of balls

    Bethpage Black: 1000 credits 

    Pebble Beach: Free entry to Rg's on Pebble for all members for a week


    Plenty more course so more prizes to mix up but have them different than others.

    This will mean clubs can choose which course to try and win and just get all their members playing that one course to score points on. A top club might try and take two course or you might have to give up on a course if it looks like you won't be able to be the top points scorers for that course so will have to change tactics and go for another one. Yes this will only be aimed at the top 20/30 cc's but will mean they have something to aim for and to try and win, Tactics can come in to play as well and hopefully won't have the same people winning all the time, yes the gerogian will prob win the best one all the time but if wgt don't make it a cash fest for them and making people buy passes to play then maybe others might give them a run for their money.

    Some Clubs might prefer a credit prize while some might want free rentals etc. either way it will give more clubs something to look forward to and compete in.