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Maxthon 5 issues

rated by 0 users
Mon, Sep 25 2017 9:55 PM (18 replies)
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  • Bill12309
    25 Posts
    Sat, Apr 8 2017 12:08 PM

    I am having terrible issues playing on Maxthon since the launch of Maxthon 5 recently. Anyone else experiencing the same headaches?



    Update - fmagnets, wow - thanks for writing back so great to hear from a 'True WGT Legend'!! - I have settled on Maxthon - got it from File Hippo - thanks to Trevjor in Community Help and everyone else that has taken the time to help us all (and esp me) out! WGT Rocks!

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Sat, Apr 8 2017 2:13 PM


    I am having terrible issues playing on Maxthon since the launch of Maxthon 5 recently. Anyone else experiencing the same headaches?

    Log out of the game clear flash cache cookies and all file s from WGT . then un install maxthon browser and then download and reinsatall the browser and see if that works . Sometimes when your computer updates it may update a file thats not compatable with the browser . This is why you do an uninstall and then reinstall the browser . It will ensure your browser files are all up to date . Then login back into the game , this will update your game files as well .


  • Bill12309
    25 Posts
    Sat, Apr 8 2017 3:21 PM

    Yes, I did all of that, that is when Maxthon 5 got uploaded onto my desktop. At least it played some, but crashes, won't re-boot during a match, meter problems, etc.

  • fmagnets
    3,640 Posts
    Sat, Apr 8 2017 8:30 PM

    Uninstall Max 5 and go back to Max 3. Your whole WGT experience will be far better.

  • borntobesting
    9,779 Posts
    Sat, Apr 8 2017 11:08 PM


    Uninstall Max 5 and go back to Max 3. Your whole WGT experience will be far better.

    Or Maxthon Cloud  both Maxthon 3 and Maxthon Cloud perform better than

    Maxthon 5. 

  • ostfriedel
    2,054 Posts
    Sun, Apr 9 2017 2:06 AM

    Used Maxthon for a long time and was happy with it. Then got problems with it. Changed to Opera and now I am happy again. But i will keep in mind what I read about going back to Maxthon 3 or Cloud here. Thanks for that. If I should get any problems again I will try it. Till then I will stay with Opera. Works very well for me.

  • jenwren
    2,781 Posts
    Sun, Apr 9 2017 2:24 AM

    I have noticed that on the Maxthon browser there is an item up the top in red stating that "Maxthon browsers closes unexpectedly" .  

    I have also used Maxthon for a long time but have not had any problems.

    Just wondering if that item at the top of their browser has anything to do with your problem.


  • Kenher01
    1,151 Posts
    Sun, Apr 9 2017 2:48 AM


    Used Maxthon for a long time and was happy with it. Then got problems with it. Changed to Opera and now I am happy again. But i will keep in mind what I read about going back to Maxthon 3 or Cloud here. Thanks for that. If I should get any problems again I will try it. Till then I will stay with Opera. Works very well for me.

    Hi Friedel,

                       As a co operatic player I must say I am enjoying your dulcet tones as your baritone goes well with my countertenor


    PS , Opera working very well for me since I switched to It from Maxthon

  • Trevjor
    1,177 Posts
    Sun, Apr 9 2017 7:45 AM

    Maxthon works very well for me.

  • ostfriedel
    2,054 Posts
    Sun, Apr 9 2017 10:47 AM



    Used Maxthon for a long time and was happy with it. Then got problems with it. Changed to Opera and now I am happy again. But i will keep in mind what I read about going back to Maxthon 3 or Cloud here. Thanks for that. If I should get any problems again I will try it. Till then I will stay with Opera. Works very well for me.

    Hi Friedel,

                       As a co operatic player I must say I am enjoying your dulcet tones as your baritone goes well with my countertenor


    PS , Opera working very well for me since I switched to It from Maxthon

    Ken, when I start to sing my arias in the bath tub also the water tries to escape  ;o)


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