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rated by 0 users
Wed, Apr 12 2017 1:20 PM (9 replies)
  • 11BC2
    555 Posts
    Wed, Apr 12 2017 2:46 AM

    Could we please get an option to insert "spoilers" in our post.


    Reading, or writing for that matter, huge walls of words is a bit annoying.  I don't want to read (or leave) a massive wall of text.  A simple spoiler cleans post up and makes it much easier to keep track of all conversation and user post.

  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Wed, Apr 12 2017 6:49 AM

    >>>>>> SPOILER <<<<<<

  • 11BC2
    555 Posts
    Wed, Apr 12 2017 7:09 AM


    >>>>>> SPOILER <<<<<<

    Not really what I was going for ;).   Let's say you're making a post in reference to short game tips.  It's much better to use individual spoilers for separate clubs and or shots, etc.  I can't think of many forums which don't have this option.  Shouldn't be hard to implement.


  • ScottHope
    10,619 Posts
    Wed, Apr 12 2017 7:37 AM

    You can hide things, but it's a bit nerdy. Would be a lot better if the forum was altered to make it easier to do, but would people then hide offensive stuff?

    (Click and drag bottom right corner to expand blue box. Does not work in IE).

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut ut hendrerit orci. Donec laoreet tortor ac diam feugiat pulvinar id ornare magna. Quisque tincidunt condimentum magna, et ultrices ante volutpat eu. Duis vehicula, erat non suscipit condimentum, ante ligula interdum libero, nec vulputate lectus ante quis nisl. Suspendisse egestas orci justo, sed vestibulum nisl suscipit a. Sed finibus mi quis lacus elementum, vitae condimentum nibh lobortis. Sed magna sem, elementum eget tortor id, bibendum pellentesque nulla. Pellentesque sagittis purus et lacus porttitor, ac commodo urna aliquam.

  • 11BC2
    555 Posts
    Wed, Apr 12 2017 9:42 AM


    You can hide things, but it's a bit nerdy. Would be a lot better if the forum was altered to make it easier to do, but would people then hide offensive stuff?

    (Click and drag bottom right corner to expand blue box. Does not work in IE).

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut ut hendrerit orci. Donec laoreet tortor ac diam feugiat pulvinar id ornare magna. Quisque tincidunt condimentum magna, et ultrices ante volutpat eu. Duis vehicula, erat non suscipit condimentum, ante ligula interdum libero, nec vulputate lectus ante quis nisl. Suspendisse egestas orci justo, sed vestibulum nisl suscipit a. Sed finibus mi quis lacus elementum, vitae condimentum nibh lobortis. Sed magna sem, elementum eget tortor id, bibendum pellentesque nulla. Pellentesque sagittis purus et lacus porttitor, ac commodo urna aliquam.

    It's better than nothing!  How do you set that up?


  • ScottHope
    10,619 Posts
    Wed, Apr 12 2017 10:14 AM

    It's difficult if you are not comfortable with editing the HTML of your post. But if you want to have a go, here it is.

    Type out your post as you normally would, including the content you want hidden. Click the HTML button to view the HTML of your post.

    It's easier if the content you want hidden, is contained in one paragraph. Example below...

    <p>I want this text to be hidden.</p>

    To hide the paragraph, you need to modify the opening paragraph tag <p> by adding the following text. style="resize:vertical;overflow:hidden;height:5px". So it looks like this...

    <p style="resize:vertical;overflow:hidden;height:5px">I want this text to be hidden.</p>

    The height value of 5px can be adjusted depending on how much of the text you want to be seen before the box is expanded.

    I have not included a maximum height in the code to make it as easy as I can for you to do, but this means the box can be expanded indefinitely. To prevent this, add the following code...

    <p style="resize:vertical;overflow:hidden;height:5px;max-height:200px">

    ...the maximum height value, currently 200px, will need to be a value that suits the amount of content. Too lower a value and the box will not expand enough to allow the whole content to be seen, too higher a value will reveal nothing more than empty space, wasting the content readers time.

    If your content covers more than one paragraph, as below...

    <p>I want this text to be hidden.</p>
    <p>I want this text to be hidden as well.</p>

    ...then you will need to create a <div> container for the two paragraphs and put the code in the opening <div> tag like this...

    <div style="resize:vertical;overflow:hidden;height:5px">
    <p>I want this text to be hidden.</p>
    <p>I want this text to be hidden as well.</p>

    That might seem a bit of a nightmare, but you won't break anything by having a go, and if you can't get it to work, you haven't lost anything, apart from some time. : )

  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Wed, Apr 12 2017 10:40 AM

    @Scott, I'm afraid that this html stuff will create havoc to the threads. Also, why would text be undeleted but out of view?

    Reading, or writing for that matter, huge walls of words is a bit annoying.  I don't want to read (or leave) a massive wall of text.

    You are invited to keep your original texts as far away from a wall as you wish - just write quicker - ehm - shorter!

    Concerning long previous texts, why quote all of it?? It's a good practice to shorten these quotes to the parts you are referring to - like I did above.

    It's easy, because you may mark parts of the previous text in the grey field and use the "Quote" button to place them where you want - more than once.

  • ScottHope
    10,619 Posts
    Wed, Apr 12 2017 11:32 AM

    I wouldn't worry Paul, constantly altering the HTML to get things the way you want is a pain in the butt. Even though I'm quite comfortable with altering the HTML, I can't be bothered most of the time, so I can't imagine that those who are new to this will be doing it all over the place.

  • garyk49
    2,333 Posts
    Wed, Apr 12 2017 12:38 PM


    And also, probably breaking the thread.  Like we see at times in this forum.

  • ScottHope
    10,619 Posts
    Wed, Apr 12 2017 1:20 PM

    I hear what you are saying Gary, but every time the forum gets broken, it's because people copy and paste part of a list. Each forum post is a list item itself, and when you insert part of another list into a forum post, things can go wrong.

    An HTML list has two parts to its structure. The list items that you see are the children of the list structure. The parent of the list structure you do not see, but they are both required for the list to work.

    Most HTML elements have opening and closing tags, and a list is one of those that does, for both the parent and child elements.

    If you insert a list (any copy and pasted list) into another list (the forum) and unwittingly omit a closing tag of one of those elements, it will break because the opening and closing tags of both lists are mis-matched.

    It's very similar to using parentheses in Excel formulas, if you don't match up the number of opening brackets to the number of closing brackets, you'll get an error.

    I have deliberately broken this thread page as an example.

    (I'll mend it later).