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Thu, May 5 2011 7:48 AM (23 replies)
  • clubbag
    12 Posts
    Tue, May 3 2011 2:28 PM

    Since i am new to this site i am not as familiar as very one else on what and when i need to do things so i am going assume when you are saying country you are talking about a country club, if not i stand corrected.

  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Tue, May 3 2011 4:44 PM


    Since i am new to this site i am not as familiar as very one else on what and when i need to do things so i am going assume when you are saying country you are talking about a country club, if not i stand corrected.

    Hullo Clubbag,It's just that there is no Country Flag,as in your Country of origin,showing up on your posts next to your profile picture.I am of the suspicion that this be  merely a glitcheroonie of which you had no part and is thus nothing at all to worry about.

    In fact,consider this as an ice breaker during awkward moments when at the tee for the very first time with someone new.You could open with:"Hi,you have a great outfit,Oh! and a Flag representing your country I see.I have never had one of those but I still do actually come from somewhere,wouldn't it be great if you had a guess at where I am from?"

    Assuming you can type fairly quickly,you should even get your tee shot in before running out of time,or in some cases,before your opponent quits,in which case,don't forget to remember their name so you no longer have to waste time on them in the future.

    Above all of that however,what you are about to embark upon will bring you into daily contact(seriously) with some very upstandingly wonderful people.These people will replace your current set of friendly people,since no longer will you have time to spend doing anything other than a quick dash to the kettle for another coffee in between shots,which is how come I recommend playing a 90 second shot timer.Over the months I have also found that comfort breaks can be accomodated within this time frame,always supposing you are playing a foursome.These are just my observations,feel free towith them,as you will.

    Oh and another thing,there are some people on here who seem to think that they need 1500 words to say what could have been said in two.

    So Welcome...


    Lizzie xx

  • gsoup
    2,929 Posts
    Tue, May 3 2011 4:56 PM

    well said

    Lizzie xx

  • AGArgent
    343 Posts
    Tue, May 3 2011 5:03 PM


    well said

    Lizzie xx

    Yes, Liz, nicely said. With that in mind, if you read this and want to whack 'em about with somebody else that appreciates the really nice folk that one does encounter here, please feel free to send me an invite. My friends list could stand a bit of growth. However, beware, I type slowly. Matter of fact this took 45 minutes. Heh, heh.

  • clubbag
    12 Posts
    Tue, May 3 2011 5:09 PM

    It was not my intention to not let anyone know my origin i simply don't know how to put that up and i didn't see anything that would show me how to do that. However so that everyone can know i am from the United States of America, born and raised.

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Wed, May 4 2011 2:56 AM


    It was not my intention to not let anyone know my origin i simply don't know how to put that up and i didn't see anything that would show me how to do that. However so that everyone can know i am from the United States of America, born and raised.

    Welcome m8, Good Luck and Have Fun



  • TheAceFactor
    2,147 Posts
    Wed, May 4 2011 5:11 AM



    Hullo Clubbag,It's just that there is no Country Flag,as in your Country of origin,showing up on your posts next to your profile picture.I am of the suspicion that this be  merely a glitcheroonie of which you had no part and is thus nothing at all to worry about.

    In fact,consider this as an ice breaker during awkward moments when at the tee for the very first time with someone new.You could open with:"Hi,you have a great outfit,Oh! and a Flag representing your country I see.I have never had one of those but I still do actually come from somewhere,wouldn't it be great if you had a guess at where I am from?"

    Assuming you can type fairly quickly,you should even get your tee shot in before running out of time,or in some cases,before your opponent quits,in which case,don't forget to remember their name so you no longer have to waste time on them in the future.

    Above all of that however,what you are about to embark upon will bring you into daily contact(seriously) with some very upstandingly wonderful people.These people will replace your current set of friendly people,since no longer will you have time to spend doing anything other than a quick dash to the kettle for another coffee in between shots,which is how come I recommend playing a 90 second shot timer.Over the months I have also found that comfort breaks can be accomodated within this time frame,always supposing you are playing a foursome.These are just my observations,feel free towith them,as you will.

    Oh and another thing,there are some people on here who seem to think that they need 1500 words to say what could have been said in two.

    So Welcome...


    Lizzie xx

    ...and now BREATH IN.... "your sooo cute Lizzie"



  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Wed, May 4 2011 5:28 AM

    I am? woop woop! Can I choose the chocolate box upon which my picture will forthwith reside in perpetuity lol?

    Furthermore,Please be on green a little more,I can never find you and it is driving me to desrepair for it be high time you and I spent some quality time together where we can set the world to rights without having to chain our litheness to railings nor suffer the indignity of forever being alone in the soft clouds of femininity where all else is thunder to the heavy boot of man.Plus,I wish to steal some if not all of your secrets to success and for that I will trade many kisses behind the palest of blue eyes and forever be in your debt.

    Also,I crave the company more than I can say.


    Lizzie xx

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Wed, May 4 2011 5:35 AM


    I am? woop woop! Can I choose the chocolate box upon which my picture will forthwith reside in perpetuity lol?

    Furthermore,Please be on green a little more,I can never find you and it is driving me to desrepair for it be high time you and I spent some quality time together where we can set the world to rights without having to chain our litheness to railings nor suffer the indignity of forever being alone in the soft clouds of femininity where all else is thunder to the heavy boot of man.Plus,I wish to steal some if not all of your secrets to success and for that I will trade many kisses behind the palest of blue eyes and forever be in your debt.

    Also,I crave the company more than I can say.


    Lizzie xx

    Lizzie, it takes me half an hour to read what you write and understand all the words that is very interesting reading :)



  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Wed, May 4 2011 5:45 AM

    Then that is what I call time well spent.But then I would...

    However,should you wish to wash the rest of your life,or at least a goodly portion of it in words that have at least cleansed my own soul,and allow the balm of eternal beauty to rinse through the detritous of day to day life on this planet,and find a place where you can shed a tear with no remorse whilst imbibing a heady mix of a fine red wine or better yet a claret of distinction,then I would commend to you  as such a place,and I do so without shame nor vanity yet,because each word there was placed with care and emotion from a heart that was bursting to share in some small way,important values and feelings which bring me to my knees at dusk of day.

    Thats what I think anyway..


    Lizzie xx