I know this post has been on here for a while and sorry,,gotta chime in myself. I agree with the first post in this, have been tired of his antics for a long time,,then this stuff comes out with all the woman and crap going on. I know a few people that own company's and do sponcership at firestone and have got to be around the man. And there best description of him is that he's a tyranical 2 year old. he'll never in my mind be the greatest golfer,,never,,he may win more events,,or more majors,,but has NOT got the things that Jack,,Arnie,,Snead,,Hogan,,Nelson,,Mickleson,,Trevino,,and the list could go on and on,,and those things are CLASS,,and CHARACTER. Class to me is what you do when people are watching,,and character is what you do when nobody is around.