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Greens Need To Be Revisted!

rated by 0 users
Sat, Apr 22 2017 8:30 PM (9 replies)
  • Snakebite1965
    7 Posts
    Fri, Apr 21 2017 8:35 PM

    I have played many different gold games all of which I enjoyed. Been playing this game now for almost a week and have come to the realization that the greens are pretty bad.

    From the placement of the pins to the green speed getting to the green is fairly realistic and plays nice but upon being confronted with the greens on normal setting in comparison to all the other games i have played they are way to fast and the developers should revisit them and adjust to something more realistic.

    So like i have the greens on default setting normal but they clearly act like fast, like a dried out green on a super hot August day. The normal setting should be the fast setting, haven't played fast I can only image what the fast setting is like.

    From what i'm experiencing the back spin on the ball does nothing at all. For example If i an close to the green or even off a ways and use the little red dot on the ball and click and hold and drag it all the way to the bottom to create back spin so when my ball lofts up and hits the green it may roll a little and then should stop for the most part. Like in real life where you open the face of your club and get under the ball to loft it and create back spin so your ball doesn't roll off the green.

    Well it doesn't work, the greens are so fast that when doing this no matter what club i use as soon as it hits the green due to the bad pin placement and fast greens my ball either hits and bounces like a dried out green or even if it doesn't bounce it always zooms off and just rolls of the green to the other side. There is no balance with this, the mechanics just don't seem to work correctly. Even when i am chipping from a close shot one of two things will happen, one if i use little club to avoid having the ball crank off to the other side of the green and rolling off the edge it will hit the ball and it moves like an inch and nothing happens causing me to lose a shot and if i give it a little more club it always just rolls past and keeps going, no balance when you have to interact with the greens, you can play a beautiful game on the fairways and upon reaching the greens it just destroys you, you get there in 2 or three shots and then due to the poor greens it takes more shots to sink the ball then then it took you to get there.

    I think the back spin isn't working, isn't doing what it should be doing due to the greens setting not be calibrated correctly. When i play in real life and you use a wedge and loft a ball with back spin up onto what one would consider a normal green it hits with a thud, rolls a little and stops and or will actually roll backwards towards the direction of it;s approach. And when you do the same thing on a dried out fast green it does exactly what it does in this game which is being called normal but it is far from normal believe.

    And if i have to play a normal green that is being called easy that's not right either. So bottom line is that there should only be two green setting, you have the two green setting but they are indicated wrong, your easy greens are actually like what one would experience in real life a normal green and your normal greens are actually fast greens. So some one should take a look at this and adjust appropriately to make the game more realistic.

    I have played golf for long time and never experienced golf courses that had 3 or 4 different types of variations to the greens, their either well taken care of plush and soft or they can become dried out hard and fast during the hot summer season, once thy are drier and get hard and become a bit fast they don't get faster ever.

  • Robert1893
    7,730 Posts
    Sat, Apr 22 2017 12:11 PM

    You really should take some time to learn the game (not golf in general but this game). For example, no, the clubs you presently have won't provide much (if any) spin. You need better clubs and balls for that.

    Maybe you should browse or search through some of the threads and learn more about how the game and equipment work on here. At this point, you're like the person late to a meeting who walks and tells everyone what needs be done, even though you haven't been present the whole meeting to know what has already been stated and decided.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sat, Apr 22 2017 12:21 PM

    Been playing this game now for almost a week

    I got this far. ^

     Come back in about 20,000 putts and maybe then I'll read what's wrong with this game.

  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Sat, Apr 22 2017 1:06 PM


    Been playing this game now for almost a week

    I got this far. ^

    I didn't even get that far ... if a post fills the browser page I skip to the last comment.

    If I wanna read essays I'll go back to college.

  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Sat, Apr 22 2017 1:09 PM

    have come to the realization that the greens are pretty bad.

    So you are an Amateur of eight days playing - and a CC member - and you have probably no real idea about the green speeds in this game. Let me tell you something from the deep memory of my Amateur days:

    - from regular games and WGT tourneys, you should only know two green speeds, slow and standard,

    - but, in your CC, tournaments may be set to any of the five faster speeds, visible in the upper left corner !if on the green!. These are quite different, between 90% and 140% putting length.  Be alert to see them and adapt your game!

    If you didn't experience this in reality, you have been spared from competitive settings which may cause "regular" golfers to putt off the greens more than once (thrice for me at Verona Golf Club).

    Furthermore, as a "real" golfer, I have no concept of putting spin on putts. Here, I KNOW that there is no spin, neither on putts nor on other shots on the green.

    Also, the Starter clubs that you have are very basic in their performance, they don't deliver much accuracy nor loft nor backspin, but wait a little (till L42) to buy any clubs.


    As an extra, please accept my advice that one of your clubs is missing. It's the 3WD which - BTW - is better than the 3H that you kept.

  • Snakebite1965
    7 Posts
    Sat, Apr 22 2017 4:57 PM

    Thanks Robert, I'm not a tell everyone their business guy but i understand where your coming from. I didn't realize better clubs here would help with back spin, i understand that say a better driver will make your shot go longer, just started here 6 days ago playing this game. The game seems great just pulling out my hair because the greens are killing me and i couldn't figure out what i was doing wrong with the back spin on my chip shots, thanks for the information I will have to work on getting better irons.

  • Snakebite1965
    7 Posts
    Sat, Apr 22 2017 5:02 PM

    Thanks for the information, not sure whats up with my 3 woods, will have to check it out, hope i didn't delete something.

  • kavvz
    2,195 Posts
    Sat, Apr 22 2017 8:19 PM

    Greetings Snakebite1965,

    Generally, you don't really need a club upgrade until Master tier -- unless you just have doh and credits to burn.

    See here for more detailed info. 

    Learn the game first, then worry about club upgrades b/c just buying clubs alone won't make a difference if you don't know how to play.

    Good luck.

  • SidersBest
    873 Posts
    Sat, Apr 22 2017 8:30 PM

    there are putting greens that you can practice your putting on. easy, medium, and hard and you can chose your speeds to get a handle on your meter. Look on the left side of your screen under courses.

    Siders Best

  • Robert1893
    7,730 Posts
    Sun, Apr 23 2017 5:30 AM


    You're very welcome, and I understand where you're coming from. It takes a while to learn the game. I agree with the person above who said that you shouldn't worry too much about club upgrades for a while.

    Below is a copy and paste of a post from my country club by our club owner about purchasing clubs. I hope you find it helpful. While some of the specific club information may be a bit dated, overall, the advice is good.


    The Frugal Player's WGT Club Upgrade Approach

    Whether purchasing credits is within your means and you determine that you will spend real money or you intend to watch videos and fill out surveys; there is no reason to spend WGT credits foolishly.

    This post will explain one method of maximally purchasing 2 improvements for each item in your bag and having what you need to face the challenges of the Legend Tier.  This approach should get you to Legend Tier within a budget of 20,000 credits.

    WGT offers numerous clubs and balls to purchase that enhance your ability to play better (lower your score).  This post is not an attempt to judge the merits of all of the offerings but rather to give an outline of what is generally needed, when and why. 

    At this time a new member of WGT receives the starter clubs and one somewhat more advanced club: The Max Driver Level 0 with a 230 yard average distance.  These clubs are all sufficient for the hack and amateur levels.

     FIRST:  Once you run out of the good balls that WGT gives a new player the frugal player does not use their precious credits buying balls.  Rather they save for clubs for the simple reason that the expensive balls better distance or spin will not be realized with clubs that WGT gives you. I recommend either playing with the starter ball, or the 10 credit WGT BES ball (at most the 64 credit GI2-S or the 65 credit Tour SD).

    When the Pro level is attained clubs and club purchases start to take on added significance.

    Below is an outline of what you will need on a journey to and including Legend Tier. Please note these are not in the order one should purchase them.


    Off the Pro tees the first thing you will find is that 230 yards is not sufficient a distance for a driver on a number of holes on many courses. You will also note the starter iron set is not long enough for a number of holes off the Pro and Tour Pro Tees for your approach shot.  However, a player reaching the Pro Tier has very limited options due to the level needed for a frugal set of club purchases.

    My advice is to play on with all the starters and save credits by waiting until you reach Level 48 and purchase the R-1 driver rated at 275 yards.  If however it is too frustrating for you to wait a viable inexpensive driver is the WGT Pro 9.5 driver at 250 yards and just 250 credits until the L-48 R-1 is available. However, the 250 yards off the Master tees will be too short for many of the same holes the 230 does not work off the Pro Tees so it is a short term fix.

    Once the credits are in hand and Level 48 is attained; the R-1 takes care of two problems at once. The fairways are all reachable and your starter irons are now long enough to allow reaching all the Par 4s in 2. The R-1 is good enough that no further driver purchase is needed until you reach the 80s in Levels and are closing in on or already a Legend.


    Your wedges are the backbone of your game.  There are a number of types available each with different attributes. Generally the WGT wedges should be avoided as well as any wedge until the late 20s in level. At that point the Cleveland, ATV and Ping wedges start becoming available.  The objective is to replace your 50 and 75 yard WGT starters with something comparable. A third wedge can be added but decide which irons you will be getting first so you know which longer wedge to get.  General rule of thumb is to evenly space as close as possible your wedges and iron set’s pitching wedge.

    If you have enough credits set aside for the R-1 then start buying wedges at these lower levels before anything else. In yardage terms 60, 80 and 100 or 50, 75 and 100 are perfect - knowing that someday you will have an iron set with a Pitching Wedge of 110 to 120 yards.

    Wedges should be upgraded to the higher level wedges when they become available but that will not be until you have a Level of over 80.


    Lots of different thoughts here the R-11 irons in the 30s are used by many well into the Master tier, but by the time you have your R-1 in your bag two other sets are either available or close to being available. The Level 40s Max slow meter irons are one and the level 50s Ping G-20 which was less expensive before they became the G-25s is the other set.  Both are playable as a Tour Master and again need not be replaced until you are in the 80s level.

    My advice would be to either go for the R-11s or wait for Max Meter set rather than the G25s just for cost purposes. The biggest problem however with that recommendation is that the 200 / 205 yard distance for the 3-Iron is tough off the Master tees on a few holes even with the R-1 in your bag.

    3 Wood

    The three wood is not used very often so it should be the last purchase for the frugal player.

    Once again there are many options.

    Off the Master tees you will need a 230 or 235 yard 3 wood. By Legend you will need a 240 or 245 yard 3 wood. A medium high or high trajectory is helpful to hold the greens when using the 3 wood for an approach shot.  


    The starter putter is pretty darn good. Many call it the best club that WGT gives you for free. It certainly can be used until in the Master tier. The ultimate in frugality is to purchase just one putter – the Level 55 Daytona Rossa. Many Legends use it to very good effect. Most however replace their first putter with a higher level one; two good choices appear to be the Versa or the Nike.


    Your ball selection is numerous and can, within a short period of time, become your largest expense. Another post goes in to the attributes of many of the offerings made by WGT so no attempt will be made to repeat that here.  The frugal player will however initially minimize the cost of balls in order to save credits to purchase clubs by playing with free or 10 credit balls. Once credits are on hand and club purchases are underway a better ball does offer advantages, but the frugal player does not jump immediately to a 450 credit ball that last 15 rounds.

    WGT offers two balls that are relatively inexpensive, The 64 credit GI2-S and the 65 credit Tour SD. It should be noted the GI2-S balls last longer than the Tour SD so they are even less expensive than they appear.

    When the frugal player has determined that credits are being set aside at an appropriate level for the final round of club upgrades the time has come to determine which ball type is within their budget. Included in that consideration is what your clubs and needs are for game performance. High Spin clubs do not require high spin balls; faster speed clubs may require a ball with a slower meter; now and only then should they invest in more expensive balls.