? A level 32 pro with no stats or score history . What type of games are you playing ?
This is what I hate about no privacy on our profiles. You didn't try to answer his question at all. All you did was go right to his page and make a dumb comment about his stats.
People forfeit for different reasons... but, in a 3 hole match I find they forfeit more often. If their behind by say 2 strokes with one hole... they just quit knowing they have little chance to win. It sucks... but it's just the way it is. I've had people tell me good game and they were going to quit which is better than the person who just lets the game reconnect and run for a minute or so before giving you the forfeit. Try playing more 9 hole matches... and like it was answered above... never use a pass when playing matches. You get pretty much nothing out of using the pass.