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rated by 0 users
Tue, Apr 25 2017 7:37 PM (4 replies)
  • blastinbo
    4 Posts
    Tue, Apr 25 2017 2:16 PM

    will you be coming out with New courses anytime soon??

  • WGTUniverse
    94 Posts
    Tue, Apr 25 2017 3:08 PM


    will you be coming out with New courses anytime soon??

    The new course Erin Hills will be released soon after VUSO :) 

  • ThreeWheelBadAss
    27 Posts
    Tue, Apr 25 2017 3:33 PM

    I really wish that WGT would get on the ball with courses in general.  It doesn't have to be an official & real course in my opinion.  I doubt it would be too difficult to create fantasy courses (within reason) that everyone would enjoy and would increase play, hence more revenue for WGT.  Give the players what they want!  Have to be open for business to do business!

  • K7JBQ
    1,469 Posts
    Tue, Apr 25 2017 4:59 PM

    WGT does not do cartoon courses. There are other games that do, if that's what you're looking for.

  • ThreeWheelBadAss
    27 Posts
    Tue, Apr 25 2017 7:37 PM


    WGT does not do cartoon courses. There are other games that do, if that's what you're looking for.

    I never said "cartoon courses", but I appreciate your input.  I was merely suggesting that they create realistic courses that aren't necessarily based off of actual courses requiring licensing and affiliated costs.  I have enjoyed this game for many years and will continue to do so.  I was only suggesting that they grow their course database to provide more options for the players.