It was late one night here in WGT land and Mr Caddie had just finished the dishes after dinner . he sat down at the computter to lok for a game with Friends , As he sat there looking at Red friends all busy he drifted off to sleep .
Mr Caddie had a dream , I was Christmas every day , The good will of the community and forum reformed all got along , WGT had turned off Vem9000 . the elves were busy fixing bugs and the mods were cleaning up dirty player pic,s .
With his Green light on ( dreaming ) a flash happened , It was a Invite to the game , It was Chad , The green light turned blue and the game was on , turned into a alt shot game with MR wgt and Caddie vs Harryk and ezzzy . All his other Friend were off line but watching .
H & E were them normal selfs and then the dream went bad .
There was a Disko dance at the 19th hole . When returning the Driver was nolonger in the golf cart ,
They then had Birthday cake .