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We Want Oakmont Back -- Petition

Thu, Aug 31 2017 4:14 PM (221 replies)
  • AgentBrown123
    907 Posts
    Wed, Apr 26 2017 3:35 PM

    To whom it concerns at wgtland:

    We the paying customers/players demand Oakmont be reinstated. Until then we refuse to buy anything from the pro shop. Nor will we participate in any credit based games. We refuse to be disrespected after we have loyally supported your game for years.

    If you agree, please sign with your initials and a short response.



  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Wed, Apr 26 2017 3:41 PM

    Grow up.



  • AceHoler26
    347 Posts
    Wed, Apr 26 2017 3:44 PM


    To whom it concerns at wgtland:

    We the paying customers/players demand Oakmont be reinstated. Until this course is reinstated we will not buy anything from the pro shop. Nor will we participate in any credit based games. We refuse to be disrespected after we have loyally supported your game for years.

    If you agree, please sign with your initials and a short response.



    A noble attempt, AB, but it will fall on deaf ears.  You will never get enough people to do this so that WGT would have to stand up and take notice.  WGT knows they have tens of thousands of people hooked on this game and those players have nowhere else to go.

    So most people will just bend over and say "Thank you WGT sir may I have another?".

    It still doesn't excuse the horrific customer service they have, and one day they will push the envelope too far and players will actually stop playing.

  • RobtDebruis
    948 Posts
    Wed, Apr 26 2017 3:44 PM

    I agree with original post

  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Wed, Apr 26 2017 3:49 PM

    I do....futile but i do anyway.

    Think the reg forum users are fed up anyway and this is final straw, as per other posts.

    Think forum will just be bitter from now on and the mods are gonna be in for some stick, they may have been told to give that lame ass sentence.......but the dont shoot the messenger wont wash this time.


  • AgentBrown123
    907 Posts
    Wed, Apr 26 2017 3:51 PM

    Thanks Ace,

    I do realize it'll most likely fall on def ears. Just feels like a huge kick in the nuts. They give us a new avatar to purchase, and take away Oakmont -- considered by many to be wgt's best course, certainly the most prestigious.

    And we got nothing, not even the slightest apology. The only thing we get is higher priced clubs.

    I'm sick of it. I know they have to make money but to cheap out and lose a course like Oakmont!?!? Top golf has been a disaster. Ever since they took over, things have gotten worse. They don't realize it as of today, but not renewing a contract with Oakmont will be the end of them, at least the virtual golf part.

    Sad day


  • adaputter
    1,954 Posts
    Wed, Apr 26 2017 3:53 PM

    ok im only 4 years into this game

    but wgt could have interacted with wgt players

    i would have paid to play that course

    one of the best on here

  • AceHoler26
    347 Posts
    Wed, Apr 26 2017 4:03 PM


    Grow up.



    You must be a submissive.....just one question.....who is your Master ? WGT ?


  • 777999
    2,111 Posts
    Wed, Apr 26 2017 4:12 PM

    OMG Oakmont has been a course I played since day one, now gone!!! WGT says their contract has expired, so any normal response would be, renew the contract, so of course... WGT does just the opposite... Almost boggles the imigination, but not quite!! Daaaa, just another dumb move wgt, people are not happy!!! So how about pony up and anti up and renew that contract with Oakmont??? It will only hur for a moment, I promise!!!  lol

    Phil aka., Coyote

  • 777999
    2,111 Posts
    Wed, Apr 26 2017 4:13 PM

    U got my vote m8