Ok, all good points, and I obliviously said that I wasn't sure about his ideas. Firstly, he didn't say advance too soon. He just said advancement was a minus! Which I stand by what I said, it's never a minus to get better and move up. As far as the topic at hand goes, I learn and play more intensely in competition than practice, if a plan a shot that doesn't work out, I'll remember it because it cost me, whereas in practice just try again and again, no real penalty, may not remember it as vividly, or not at all! If your told repeatedly not to hit your thumb with a hammer, you may or may not care, or think about it, until you smack it once. It's a surety that you will then remember what you were warned about, and not do it again.
My comment about Annika, wasn't meant to take anything from her talents, but how she was showed what the " manly" tour was all about! She was showed the door back in 2003, in Texas, when she thought the same about being able to show the guys something. When the pros win a tourney, it really isn't about who played the best, ( I'm not saying that they aren't excellent players) but they all are fantastic players,but it's more about who got a couple of lucky breaks, and who didn't. There's no doubt that their talents are all pretty much equal.
This is a game, and no doubt, that everyone on here has a goal, or aspiration as to what they want to achieve. All I hear everyone saying is most of all have fun, enjoy the ride, etc" so what if somebody plays a few red tees, in their cc tourneys, or chooses to take 7 years to get to where they are, by doing it the hard way. They are getting what they want from this game. It's the path that they chose, and as long as they are having fun, so be it. If alot of the better champions, legends or what ever, play against a red tee champ, you should have no problem beating them, what's the big deal? Personally, I play alittle of everything, cuz I'm having fun, spending my money and time enjoying the ride. I'm very active in my cc, and love helping my teammates.