AgentBrown123: I'm done helping.
It has been a while since I looked at the forum, and as I am on a break from playing, thought I would kill a few minutes at lunch.
The OP is certainly respected in my eyes, he has proven he is one of the top players with the success to back that up.
I am only an average player, using a cheap mouse, so I borrowed a gaming mouse........and did it make a difference? YES, an unequivocal yes.
Is it a game changer for me? Probably not as I only play for fun, but the mouse did make a noticeable difference, however this was not the only advice AB game.
All too often in the forums we see some users tearing apart every word of advice someone offers (and this is not aimed specifically at anyone) but when a top player offers it not worth listening too?
Respect is earned, and AB has that in spades from me.
So I hope you continue to offer tips and advice, so players can improve their game if they choose. Often there are several paths that lead to the same destination......some may take longer than others, but does not make one route necessarily better than another. AB gave an option or path that may help.