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Consistincy in shots

Mon, May 22 2017 11:12 PM (9 replies)
  • Bootyman53
    3 Posts
    Thu, May 11 2017 3:21 PM

    I know I am not the best player on this game, but I would have better scores if a shot would go as far as it says it's going to go, especially in the fairway. I have been playing off and on for 7 yrs. my avg, score has gotten better. But it is frustrating to see that a shot hit dead perfect at 100% power, ends up 20 yds short, and I know you are going to say did I account for wind speed and yes I did. Surely I am not the only one having this problem. I don't spend a lot money buying your extra stuff, I shouldn't have to. Help me understand. I play golf for real, I know how it works, the more you play the better you get, except on WPT

  • Robert1893
    7,712 Posts
    Thu, May 11 2017 3:34 PM

    It's really just the clubs and balls that you're playing. That's the nature of the starter equipment. If you want more consistency, you're going to have to spend some credits. Since you're in the US, you complete some surveys and watch some videos. In a fair amount of time, you would have enough credits to start purchasing better equipment.

  • 11BC2
    555 Posts
    Thu, May 11 2017 4:40 PM

    I know I am not the best player on this game, but I would have better scores if a shot would go as far as it says it's going to go
    In a game earlier I had 178y (adjusted) on a par 3.  My 6i with full b/s goes 177 (+/-2y).  So how far did my 100% power 6i w/ full b/s go (100% a 6i and it had full b/s.  Not a 5i either)?  192 yards.

    These things happen to me most in MP games for some reason (and even when trying to live stream - makes no sense).  Anyways, it's just part of the game man.  And imo, some holes are just plain glitchy and you get what I call "floating" yardage all day long.  Simply put, every shot with similar club, distance, wind, spin, and power give crazy Random yardages w/out fail.

    So while there's certainly times people Whine and Cry for no reason at all, there's also plenty of times where it's valid.  The Paradox of WGT.

    2 Posts
    Thu, May 11 2017 5:12 PM

    I'm having the same issues. But my main problem is putting, having a flap putt with NO break and hit it flush and the ball going left or right immediately. Costing me three strokes minimum a round. 

  • Yiannis1970
    3,284 Posts
    Sat, May 20 2017 2:33 AM

    Consistency is a tough word with so little implement in this game. There is no such thing either you play with cheap or expensive equipment. Yes, better equipment will give more consistent results and you will be able to play better, but if you try to be precise and consider every factor to hit great scores in every round, you will be dissapointed. It is like it is. After 3 1/2 years don't get pissed off so frequently as before...i simply take what wgt is willing to give me.

    So, i chose another line...making the approach and trying to sink everything. I try everyday understand better putts and greens. The other day was trying to make some club mapping. Stopped after 4 strokes. It's an empty procedure and only a waste of time. (for many reasons)

  • BogeyOne
    1,987 Posts
    Sat, May 20 2017 8:24 AM

    I am extremely consistent. . . good shot - bad shot.  

  • lonniescott711
    4,204 Posts
    Sat, May 20 2017 9:12 AM

    The game for the most part plays out just like the real game . If you ever watch a real PGA tournament then you will see this . The game incorporates all of the variables of golf for the most :

    Player hits a good shot and gets the result of a good shot .

    Player hits a bad shot and gets the result of a bad shot .

    Players hits what looks to be a good shot but gets the results of a bad shot .

    Play hits what looks to be a bad shot but gets the results of a good shot .

    The same goes also for putting the putts play out just like real putts do .

    Some putts play true to break and some dont .

    Some will play long and skirt the hole

    Some will play short as well .

    Some of the breaks are true .

    Some breaks will cause false reads and misputts .

    If you watch a real tournament you will see the best in the world miss putts and hit terrible shots . The game replicates that in detail to game play . Our problem is is that we only want the good results when playing the game . We dont want to see our game go south after we get on a birdie streak . We want to make shots not drop them and we expect to shoot the perfect rounds every time we play .

    Even though we watch and see others shoot those fantastic rounds that get posted . We never see or pay attention to the bad rounds that get posted too . In the real game nobody makes every good shot so dont expect it to happen here either .

  • JFidanza
    1,676 Posts
    Sat, May 20 2017 10:26 AM


     Our problem is is that we only want the good results when playing the game .



    I've found the best way to move forward w/ this is 1) the desire to improve  2) some credits  3) some time and dedication.

    Always just move on...ball in the bunker, use the proper shot and calculation. Ball catches the edge rough,punch it proper; Ball doesn't drop and stops before the hole, even after a mulligan, so you hit harder and off ding so the ball HAS TO CROSS the hole...then ball seems to never bend, or it rides the edge or it stalls before the hole...just move on.

    Someone said 'skill has to be tested' so run the gauntlet. Stick to your methods if they work ! The other day, it just clicked and I made many birds on 9 holes. It works. Sometimes I'll get a glitch w/ the ol' laptop on the last hole, but it's better than a few months ago, for sure. 


  • Noordwesth
    50 Posts
    Mon, May 22 2017 11:12 PM

    Lately I have had this experience more frequently. If I hit the meter off center I assume the ball will go off target. No problems with that at all. But if I deliver a dead center meter-hit in no wind, I expect the ball to at least land in the vicinity of my aiming area, AND, go the actual distance the combination the ball/club is designed to do. Elevation taken into account of course. 

    I hav used both starter kit/ball, and purchased equipment of different kinds, and the random shots almost exclusively comes with purchased equipment. 


    Distance is my most problems with random shots. I always aim 15% beyond distance on most shots to make sure I don't come up short. 



    But as have been mentioned, golf can be random IRL and in the game, so I just have to live with it. Too bad when you spend coins in an expensive room, and you play a 9 hole round that is neck to neck up to the last hole. Last tee off goes completely random out in the rough. LOL.


    That's life I guess.