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PLEASE Fix swing meter jerkiness

rated by 0 users
Sun, Oct 6 2019 1:52 AM (28 replies)
  • ZR1Tom
    12 Posts
    Sun, May 14 2017 4:30 PM

    I have been on here for over three years and the game is more unplayable today than ever.  He** I'd spend some of my 3092 credits for a smooth swing meter.   Tried to play the qualifier and it was a disaster......   Can't kit the ball when the meter jumps and jerks on the way down.  Cost me several balls.....  

    ON a Windows 10 / i7 cpu with 16MB of memory and GForce 950 graphics card.

    It's not my system because 1 out 4 times it will work just fine.  Yesterday it wasn't bad, today  sucks!!!!!

    PLEASE FIX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Game is no longer any fun when it acts up.


    Brea, CA




  • borntobesting
    9,753 Posts
    Sun, May 14 2017 7:01 PM



    I have been on here for over three years and the game is more unplayable today than ever.  He** I'd spend some of my 3092 credits for a smooth swing meter.   Tried to play the qualifier and it was a disaster......   Can't kit the ball when the meter jumps and jerks on the way down.  Cost me several balls.....  

    ON a Windows 10 / i7 cpu with 16MB of memory and GForce 950 graphics card.

    It's not my system because 1 out 4 times it will work just fine.  Yesterday it wasn't bad, today  sucks!!!!!

    PLEASE FIX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Game is no longer any fun when it acts up.


    Brea, CA




    Yes it is your system. The meter runs on your machine only the results of the shot comes from WGT's servers. To prove it unplug your internet cord. Take your shot. The meter will run until you click. Yes the meter runs without being connected to WGT's servers but if not connected nothing happens until you reconnect your internet cable. Then the shot completes. This was proven many times by many players.

  • BMX123
    631 Posts
    Sun, May 14 2017 7:08 PM


  • LMD01
    92 Posts
    Sun, May 14 2017 9:36 PM

    Hey mate, i just started playing again after a long time away due to work, when i started playing again i had huge meter issues, bought a gaming mouse that plugs in ,not wireless an my issues are fixed..thats just my experience.. anyways see ya out on the tee

  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Mon, May 15 2017 6:30 AM

    Could be the browser that you are using . For many we use a version of Maxthon browser either Max 3 , 4.9 , or mMaxthon 5 . So try a different browser as that could be the problem . Also make sure that you are cleaning your system flash cache browser the usual standard protocols that are needed .

    Just because you have a nice system doesnt mean that its perfect for everything that you use it for . Also since I too notice that you havent commented on anything that you have done to fix the problem . So if havent done anything to fix the problem then dont blame WGT for it . Do the things mentioned and if none of those work then come back and we`ll try something else to fix the problem .

  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Mon, May 15 2017 10:18 AM


    It's not my system because 1 out 4 times it will work just fine.  Yesterday it wasn't bad, today  sucks!!!!!

    Sorry! But it is indeed your system.

    Specifically the CPU on your computer is time sharing with other applications on your computer, or your CPU is running hot, or your computer is in serious need of some TLC because it's got a clogged up registry and is dealing with boatloads of garbage left over Internet files/cookies and other crap/junk stuff.

    Smooth meter - Optimizing your Windows computer



  • ZR1Tom
    12 Posts
    Mon, May 15 2017 11:15 AM

    Thanks to all who responded.....   I posted this when I was quite frustrated trying to play a round.  So to clarify a few things:

    1.  I always reboot my computer and clear my cache before playing WGT.

    2.  I have had the same system / mouse  / etc for over a year with issues only occurring randomly.  

    3.  What I find hard to explain is how it played fine on Saturday, then horrible meter on Sunday.  

    4. I will try a new wired mouse, and Maxthon browser to see if any change.

    5. I had tried different browsers and definitely saw remarkable differences in game play ability and in more areas than the swing meter.  Several were just plan unplayable (Firefox)

    I've seen the other threads about the issue and surprised how nasty they all become.  Aren't we all just trying to play a game and help each other achieve that?

    Thanks again for the suggestions!






  • borntobesting
    9,753 Posts
    Mon, May 15 2017 6:58 PM


    Thanks to all who responded.....   I posted this when I was quite frustrated trying to play a round.  So to clarify a few things:

    1.  I always reboot my computer and clear my cache before playing WGT.

    2.  I have had the same system / mouse  / etc for over a year with issues only occurring randomly.  

    3.  What I find hard to explain is how it played fine on Saturday, then horrible meter on Sunday.  

    4. I will try a new wired mouse, and Maxthon browser to see if any change.

    5. I had tried different browsers and definitely saw remarkable differences in game play ability and in more areas than the swing meter.  Several were just plan unplayable (Firefox)

    I've seen the other threads about the issue and surprised how nasty they all become.  Aren't we all just trying to play a game and help each other achieve that?

    Thanks again for the suggestions!



    Your biggest problem might be # 1. WGT recommends clearing cache only after updates and when you are getting strange results. When you clear cache your computer has to load all files that were in cache back into cache. On some systems doing that can put extra strain on your CPU causing many problems including a poor meter. Try playing several days without clearing cache and you might be pleasantly surprised by the results.




  • pmm711
    5,782 Posts
    Tue, May 16 2017 7:28 AM
  • BSJ62
    7 Posts
    Wed, May 17 2017 7:47 AM

    Have to agree with Tom regarding the swing meter.     Had this problem over a year ago and WTC fixed the problem but since Friday the jerking swing meter is back.


    It is nearly impossible to play the game which is a pity as really enjoy my daily round, or 10, of golf but lately have not been able to complete a round because of the jerking.

    Thought it might be my system so took it to our local computer shop who checked everything and told me my system was running perfectly.  

    Have found if you run the swing meter but do not play the shot and then take the shot the second time the jerking is considerably reduced but cannot keep doing that as a round would take as long on the computer as it takes on the golf course.


    Hope what ever the problem is that it can be rectified soon so can go back to enjoying my daily rounds of golf.


    Just played a round with my laptop today and am still experiencing the jerking on the swing meter so unless both my systems have problems have to say that the problem must be something to do with the WGT servers as it was previously, in 2015 
