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players disconecting during games

Tue, May 10 2011 10:46 AM (4 replies)
  • stoott
    1 Posts
    Tue, May 10 2011 1:50 AM

    i think it would be to players advantage if anyone pulls out dissconects during rounds they should be blocked for 24 hours from playing if continue 48 ect

  • TheLighterDark
    1,404 Posts
    Tue, May 10 2011 10:13 AM

    What if someone's internet goes down, what if their computer accidentally gets unplugged, what if their power goes out, etc.? 

    Doesn't seem very fair to block someone based on that, now does it? 

  • TarheelsRule
    5,603 Posts
    Tue, May 10 2011 10:26 AM

    I think that while everyone has times when they get kicked off by accident, those times are rare and usually you can get back inside the five minute limit, even if you have to restart your computer.

    Since there is nothing that can be done in terms of score penalty, etc. to hit up the quitters, I would suggest that WGT penalized them points that are used to level up.  It has to be enough to mean something, maybe 5K.  For peopler trying to get up to the next level that will make them think before quitting.

  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Tue, May 10 2011 10:35 AM

    an intelligent rare when discussing this subject.     my nickles worth.

  • DaveHeathcote
    90 Posts
    Tue, May 10 2011 10:46 AM

    Docking XP will only effect people who are looking to level up, there are many who are already at high levels and have all the equipment they want/need so will not be impacted.

    I think the 24hr ban would be great.  Anyone who wants to do something about the serial quitters would happily accept the occasional 24hr ban if that upped the completion rate for MP games from it current poor level to something more acceptable and less frustrating.

    There could also be a system where the 'offense' stays on your record for say 1 week.  If you quit again in that time the ban becomes 48hr and so on.

    I am firmly in the 'something could and should be done' camp on this issue.  Won't be so bold as to claim to have the perfect answer myself though.