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Problem with free rentals

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Mon, Jun 12 2017 7:41 PM (4 replies)
  • mpr2929
    144 Posts
    Sun, Jun 11 2017 9:39 AM

    Hi, my name is mpr and I'm an...oh wait, that is another meeting but I can already see the potential for addiction here.

    Anyway, I just signed up at WGT a couple of weeks ago and I can already see I will eventually regret the time I will end up putting in.  My problem is minor, at least the problem I am going to bring up here.  I haven't bought any new equipment yet although I can already see that I will eventually have to.  I am still new enough to this game that I "level up" fairly frequently and am offered a free 2-hour rental each time.  That free rental almost always includes one of each club type, but if I choose the iron set, I get an error message and am stuck with nothing.  I have successfully rented drivers, 3-woods, wedges and a putter, but the iron set never works.  Also, while I am looking at the list of items available, every item EXCEPT the iron set shows how the stats for that new club compare to the starter that is currently in my bag.  The stats never show up for the iron set, which gives me a clue that the rental won't work before I even click the "rent and equip" button.

    I suppose this is something I need to contact WGT about but I'm wondering if anyone else here has had a similar experience.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Jun 11 2017 11:34 PM

    There have been quite a few reports on unsuccessful renting efforts, but none has ever linked it to the iron sets. This may well be a common root.

    But, the comparison of sets works for me (in the Pro Shop), both with Starters and my usual set. If different, it may point to some weakness of your local installation. Would you mind to tell us your OS and browser brand?

    Concerning the offers, it's worth to be reluctant in buying. Better clubs are lurking at each level!

    And, make a decision if you want to advance (and pay) of just stroll around enjoying the views. Any purchase is almost guaranteed to lead to more purchases!

  • mpr2929
    144 Posts
    Mon, Jun 12 2017 3:44 AM

    Thank you for the reply! 


    I am one of the Windows 7 Professional hangers on and am using the Firefox browser with automatic updates.  This is all running running on a HP Pro Book laptop.  The game itself runs fine.  I have not had any problems with the meter skipping or games crashing.  Occasionally, I will hit a shot on the meter and my avatar will stand there frozen for a second or two before actually making the shot, but the resulting shot still seems to be correct and even that doesn't happen very often at all.  This one rental issue is the only real problem I have seen other than my own lack of practice.


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Mon, Jun 12 2017 8:10 AM

    JFTR: I have the same software and even those freezes occasionally. These may be caused by server overload(?), when the gameclient waits for the shot outcome and other calculations after the meter was stopped by the player.

    Hang on!

  • mpr2929
    144 Posts
    Mon, Jun 12 2017 7:41 PM

    Well so much for that rental problem.  I was able to rent an iron set today so I don't know what happened before.  Interesting, the iron set I was offered today still did NOT show the comparative stats down the right side so I fully expected it to fail when I rented it but I tried anyway and it worked.  I guess it was a one-time thing.

    Thank for the help though.