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Removing banned players from friends list

Mon, Jun 12 2017 7:04 AM (3 replies)
  • borntobesting
    9,754 Posts
    Sun, Jun 11 2017 8:52 PM

    Have you given any thought about automatically removing a player from our friends list when they are banned?  I found out tonight that when a player is banned for any reason and removed from the game he remains on your friends list until we manually remove him.

    Wouldn't it be better to automatically remove him from everyone's list when he is banned?

  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Sun, Jun 11 2017 10:55 PM

    AFAIS, they don't remove players from the game unless they wish so. Others stay in the list though they are deadwood. To the company, it seems paramount to have all of these count to the big number of participants - bragging may rise the ad revenue, and some players find pleasure in bragging about their friends' number...

    Furthermore, what would such automatism add to their revenue? Nothing, it would only cost precious programmer's time needed for those gimmicks!

  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Mon, Jun 12 2017 7:04 AM

    Wouldn't it be better to automatically remove him from everyone's list when he is banned?

    A simple banned stamp would be suffice