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Inappropriate language in Alternate play

rated by 0 users
Wed, Jun 14 2017 9:59 PM (3 replies)
  • AugustWest82772
    45 Posts
    Tue, Jun 13 2017 4:05 PM

    I get there are a-holes on the internet but this was racist language and the like and I want to report it--will be the first time I've reported anything, anywhere.


    Can one of you guys give me the best email to do this?


    Couldn't find it on here...thanks.



  • WGTUniverse
    94 Posts
    Wed, Jun 14 2017 6:23 AM


    I get there are a-holes on the internet but this was racist language and the like and I want to report it--will be the first time I've reported anything, anywhere.


    Can one of you guys give me the best email to do this?


    Couldn't find it on here...thanks.





    Send a message to WGT members services and they will handle it the best they can. I know that if you have screenshots of the conversation, it will be resolved way faster. :) 

    You can send them an email through this link:


  • 67Cam
    28 Posts
    Wed, Jun 14 2017 9:13 AM

    Look at this thread (I started it). Had the same issues, reported it and WGT did something about it. Wish they would make a sticky on how to deal with these mental midgets.



    Edit: this is the thread I meant to reference. It happened after the thread posted above and is more helpful; 




  • AugustWest82772
    45 Posts
    Wed, Jun 14 2017 9:59 PM

    Thanks for the info guys.  Unfortunately, the guy who was an a-hole and used racist language had a partner in our Alternate Play who disconnected fairly quickly (can't blame him) so I wasn't able to get any screen shots.


    But I did report the user's name.


    I guess racist scumbags are everywhere---WGT included.


    Thanks again...