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The Players™

Tue, Jul 5 2011 12:39 PM (12 replies)
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  • Hoolahoof
    163 Posts
    Fri, May 13 2011 10:36 AM

    Mixed emotions watching that first day unfold. It was a train wreck that I just couldn't look away from. Golfing with any type of injury in your lower body is virtually impossible, but it's hard not to think their was something going on upstairs.


    Either way, the Players has lost a little mojo for me now.

  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Fri, May 13 2011 11:02 AM

    Who are we talking about?

  • Hoolahoof
    163 Posts
    Fri, May 13 2011 12:26 PM


    Who are we talking about?

    There was really only one train wreck


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, May 13 2011 1:34 PM

    And he only lasted for 9 holes and a 42 before withdrawing. 

    Hint: He hurt the knee making a fabulous recovery shot on the back 9 Sunday in the Masters.

  • TarheelsRule
    5,611 Posts
    Fri, May 13 2011 1:39 PM

    Obviously Tiger Woods is the subject of conversation.

    I was watching the Golf Channel coverage yesterday and Peter Jacobson made the comment that Tiger while only 35 years old and at the age where most golfers are in their prime is a 'very old' 35.  He has been playing top level golf since about the age of 10 and while many players start at age 5, he was grinding like a tour pro since he was in grade school.

    Lot of talk about PED's as well.  Most athletes that take these tend to be pro football or baseball players and their end their career in their mid 30's about when the ill effects of the drugs tend to take their tolls.  We know that Tiger has done various types of blood doping but if you look at his physical built, something happened to make him become so bulked up about 8 years ago.  I think we have seen the last of him as a big time payer on the tour.

  • Boomerboy44
    1,514 Posts
    Fri, May 13 2011 7:09 PM

    Yea I always though he was on roids. If so he's toast.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sat, May 14 2011 6:59 AM

    Interesting take, breakdown by steroids. Sorta like that anti-steroid commercial where The Thinker crumbles, piece by piece. He would have had to been on some serious program of steroid use over a long period for this to happen, though. 

  • nickuk
    967 Posts
    Sat, May 14 2011 7:43 AM

    Maybe its all the coke he`s sniffing!

  • Hoolahoof
    163 Posts
    Sat, May 14 2011 10:15 AM


    Yea I always though he was on roids. If so he's toast.

    I personally don't think he used steroids. He was a skinny kid that grew up as we all do. Being precise and consistent is more important to a golf swing than brute force and power. Does having power help? Sure it does. But golf isn't a "strength" sport. I think lowered flexibility would be worse than more power. If being strong, big, and explosive was they key to playing top level golf, golfers would all be huge, buffed out monsters.

  • TarheelsRule
    5,611 Posts
    Sat, May 14 2011 9:00 PM

    I have no proof that he is using steriods but he did go from being a skinny 25 year old to a very buffed up 28 year old.  You are right golf isn't a strength game as played by most players and pros but Tiger was different in that he made it a strength game, take a look at his swing 7 years ago and the torque and speed he put into his swing.  Look at Dustin Johnson and see how he hits it longer without that huge turn and massive swing that Tiger had.  The knees went first for Tiger and he used blood doping to heal that, can't deny that even the FBI talked to him about the doctor from Canada.  He is starting to have the chronic injuries that come along with wear and tear golfers don't usually have till age 50.  He is the oldest 35 year old golfer in history and I think the game has passed him by.

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