Have been working long time on this issue
Now got me a steady meter
WELL that untill the WGT response time goes high
look at "isitdownrightnow.com" >> wgt.com
35 hours ago it rocket to 3736ms .. been monitored last 26 hours: been 75 > 100ms
makes some stuttering and some untrustworthy "jump" or "stops" after cliking !!
if the stutter is steady it can still be playable if you ding a bit before you normally do ;)
########### WGT.COM PING #############
### needs to be below 20ms at least... excellent when below 10ms ##
What I have done to better performance;
# Yes got me a wired lazer mouse... did make a difference in cpu usage etc.
# Edited in the task manager,, made all non critical task to start on a certain day / hour.. (that way the suddenly cpu usage goes way down )
# Tested a Bunch of Browsers to fit my equipment (I believe it will vary for all)
but most important I would say is the PING!!!!!
IMO a way to have a good experience whit this great game :)