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CC Event #50

Mon, Jul 10 2017 3:34 PM (97 replies)
  • ArgyleScott
    1,267 Posts
    Thu, Jun 22 2017 12:03 AM

     has started.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, Jun 22 2017 12:21 AM


     has started.

    The bearer of bad news.....................................BOOOOOOOOOOO

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Thu, Jun 22 2017 12:58 AM

    50th monumental farce that is a disrespect to competition.

    In schools they brought in non-competitive sport.  I thought it was a joke but they were serious. Only difference between that and here is that here you pay for the "prize".  Even more strange, to me, is some people think that is good........That desperate for a badge I will slip anyone a badge in return for a sleeve of L61/81 Nikes.  Say what you want written on the badge and I will blow all the smoke up your ass you want...Cheaper than the WGT Clash version and same result........Team with most smoke declared "winner":)

  • Fencer100
    2,064 Posts
    Thu, Jun 22 2017 3:38 AM

    Yup WGT just couldn't help themselves could they. They got our hopes up that it may not appear for a week or two, then 1 week goes by and the money grabbing ******** bring it back !! Bank manager must have had words on the state of their finances !

    It's still the worst thought out tourney that has appeared on here, but The Georgian won't let them change it as they just must win the GOLDEN PUTTER to keep their members sweet ...... poor deluded suckers !

  • Williams01210021
    1,231 Posts
    Thu, Jun 22 2017 3:57 AM

    Add the fact that now every club in the top 1000 gets the tee markers and flags it makes it even more pointless!!! Was actually looking forward to getting into the top 100 with my new club and earning the flags. Now the only difference between finishing in 1000th place and 4th place is some cc passes and some course builders. 

    Even worse when you look at that 500th and 4th the only difference is 2 cc passes and 2 course builders.......... What a joke lol. 

    You needed to make the prize variety different for the rewards not make it worse!

    Through in some sleeve of balls for top 10, add some sort of random lottery for a new golden club for top 25 , give a random club in the top 100 free rounds at carbo/whistler for the month. Make more prizes and make getting somewhere a reward, no one gives a toss when the prizes are so crap unless you win. You give away 18 balls during a clash.... thats hardly anything. You need to make some other prizes that are unique and worth playing for. Cc passes no one cares because once you get past level 13 or what ever it is theres no rewards any more so who cares how quick you level up as theres nothing to aim for. Course builders. I'm sure people have loads of theses after realising that actually building a course from the holes we already play time and time again isn't that great. 

    Sort it as its just embarrassing and this new way clearly won't be getting you any more of peoples money........

  • HackWilson1930
    1,437 Posts
    Thu, Jun 22 2017 4:08 AM

    What will it take to make the WGT naysayers happy? It should be obvious that with number 50 that WGT is not about to change these clashes. Many inequities have been pointed out since the very first clash. Suggestions have been offered. Boycotts have been initiated. Nothing has moved the WGT mountain.

    Attacking this mountain is an impossible task so let us, the mountaineers, find a way to climb to its summit without trying to destroy it. We need to suggest another repeating event that will create a revenue stream for WGT. If a grass roots idea that makes money is suggested, perhaps someone in a position to do something will find a way to move that mountain or at least help more of us to reach the top of the existing mountain.

    So put your climbing gear in your backpacks and make your suggestions. Remember, it must provide a repeating revenue stream that excites the common WGT player. How it is structured will be up to us, but it must be something that WGT can buy into. If it is something that only benefits the users it will not be implemented. And if it has no appeal to the end user it won't be successful.



  • Romax
    1,876 Posts
    Thu, Jun 22 2017 5:25 AM

    Throw fkn putter--10 credits. Throw fkn driver-- 25 credits.Break fkn putter in 1/2 - 100 credits.Throw all fkn  clubs in the lake-500 credits.. All the above could purchased in the Ripshop ahead of time and be ready for instant use.Seems simple enough to me and likely a gold mine for WGT.   ;)

  • pmm711
    5,767 Posts
    Thu, Jun 22 2017 5:26 AM

    What's truly laughable is that even when "The Well-Known Clubhouse" is light years ahead of the pack they continue to pour RL $$$$ into that current clash.  And for what...a virtual Golden Putter that's no better than my Sabertooth?  If the members of The Georgian actually added up the amount of RL $ they've spent on these clash events then maybe that would be enough of an awakening...but I'm even doubting that would smack them in the face.

    It's a sickness I tell ya...a true sickness...

  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Thu, Jun 22 2017 5:43 AM


    LOL! That never gets old. :-)

  • CEverett12
    14,177 Posts
    Thu, Jun 22 2017 7:05 AM

    No Comment !