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WGT has butchered these greens

rated by 0 users
Fri, Jul 21 2017 8:44 AM (49 replies)
  • HandyMcNab
    58 Posts
    Sun, Jun 25 2017 5:19 AM

    An expert at the English language too. Read Lonnie's post and spot the deliberate error!

  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Sun, Jun 25 2017 9:11 AM


    Just for a bit of fun Lonnie as you are such a stickler for the written word , you only need one "is".

    Actually its not that Im a stickler of the word . Its as I explained using paragraphs makes the reading easier on the eyes . I care less about the spelling . As for the using of is Im making a second point which is why you see the comma in between the two .The use of the second is  was to place an emphasis on the point I was about to make .But at the same time neither way is wrong it just depends on the preference of the user in making a statement .

    My mother is a retired school teacher Handy and English was one of my favorite subjects . Good penmanship was a must back in the day before lap tops and computers . When you had to write everything instead of type the language and punctuation was very important .


  • Miantiao
    401 Posts
    Sun, Jun 25 2017 9:34 AM


    over the past year WGT has constantly tweeked the uphill putts that used to read mostly blue or light blue now you get slick light red putts uphill that roll 2-3 times the speed ... so how is it if you hit a shot long over the pin the putt is a downhill read usually but yet some holes if you hit below the hole you get a downhill slick putt that shows uphill ? how is it a hill slope is light red on both sides ? it cant be both if you have a hill,Its starting to get ridiculous really,I think WGT has people who just go through the courses and if they see things might be a touch of a too easy of a putt they just go ahead and mix it up colorblind and turn it blue/red and not even look at the direction of the hill,Its kinda just like some of the other blue putts show uphill so you add a touch more on the putt and it really acts like a regular red putt so it rolls extra long,I almost think they do it now so less birdies go in,they make almost every putt above the pin a slick one,so are you telling me every golf course on here doesnt have a normal level putt above pin,and you can pretty much bank it that if the ball lands on the side of the pin you are going to get a curvy putt almost everytime,the only times you get a straighter putts mostly is if you land a couple feet from the pin or if you miss the birdie you get a normal putt for par usually,Its getting to the point where every month or so you can guarantee the greens will be changed again...and the winds get stronger every month also,thats so people make less shots and keep buying new clubs and putters LMFAO the auto-dinger cheaters dont mind because they keep all their shots straight anyhow hitting 90-95% ding rates lol


    Problem may have more to do with your ability to putt, but I could be wrong, of course.


  • gonfission
    2,264 Posts
    Mon, Jun 26 2017 5:59 AM


    I finally decided to read your retort to Lonnie's post, trying to help you, become better understood.

    Four Advil, & a few hits of Chem Wreck later, I was stuck on your use of the "ellipsis". Let me try to help as Lonnie has done .The ellipsis, is used to either shorten a quote, or remove useless words. However, still arriving at the writers intended excogitating meaning.

    For example, here is a quote that is long enough to be blocked, however, an ellipsis is inserted to make it fit in an essay, without having to offset it as a block quote:

    Original:  "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way- in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only." --Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities
    With ellipsis: "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times ... for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only." --Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities

    The other intended use for it is:

    Sometimes you just need to take a moment to pause and reflect, even in writing. An ellipsis (...) is a piece of punctuation that can be used to indicate a pause or a gap in a piece of text. An ellipsis (plural: ellipses) is employed in both formal and creative writing to signal to the reader that something is missing. Follow these steps for correctly, and effectively, adding an ellipsis to your writing.
    Jimbog  IMO, uses it to its best adaptation in here. He uses few words, mostly, to get his point across, (cryptic at times) then incorporates the ellipsis, for all readers to fill in the rest of the intended meaning of his posts.
     After all,  he is English.  The propensity for the English to speak, and write, with good grammar, has been sorely lost in the colonies. High School graduates in the U.S., are unable to incorporate the basic use of spelling, let alone good grammar.
    So no worries mate, your in good company. ;-)
    Hope this helps you become unshackled to the whipping post
    For those of you who wonder why I use a "period" during post construction, however end without one, it is because, the last sentence you pen, and end with a period, will deliver your entire post, to the mega storage banks of internet writings.
    If you neglect the last sentence of your post with the use of a "period", your words will not be recorded in the annals of internet compilation
    Shuln aoys
    Edit: Fixed IT Paul. Thanks for the critique
  • mrcaddie
    2,429 Posts
    Mon, Jun 26 2017 8:15 AM


    Thanks to Paul Ton, Alan, Paul, Joe, Robert and Doc (as well as some I'm sure I left out inadvertently), for some really great posts in this thread.  Yes we lost someone special when Dennis left us way too soon, as you reminded us with the WGTMoses post Doc.  I feel at times all of you (and me once in a great while) get a bit of inspiration from him somehow, and are allowed to pass it along.

    You guys do enlighten things greatly and I know other appreciate it as I do.  Please keep it up.




    You took the words right out of my mouth.

    For some time now I've been thinking about leaving this game all together. I don't really play anymore but I used to love jumping on and seeing what's new in the forums, but all that changed since Andy left us.

    The forums have become stale, boring and redundant. It's all about the clash, or coins, or bitching about other people's low scores or bitching about how crappy the game plays.

    The forums just aren't fun anymore...period! Then this thread appears (thanks OP).

    Paul, I have to tell you, when I saw that Dangerfield watermark thing I laughed so hard my staff looked at me with that "what's so funny" look. Then I got to Doc's "blah, blah, blah" post and nearly lost it.

    Thanks to the guys Jeff mentions above, and the few he may have left out...Andy's spirit lives on.

    Thanks guys.



  • phred952
    2,714 Posts
    Mon, Jun 26 2017 9:30 AM

    @ gonfission:

    Subtle Joe, very, very subtle...


  • pmm711
    5,770 Posts
    Mon, Jun 26 2017 10:09 AM

    Jimbog  IMO, uses it to it's best adaptation in here


    Actually its not that Im a stickler of the word . Its as I explained using paragraphs makes the reading easier on the eyes . I care less about the spelling . As for the using of is Im making a second point which is why you see the comma in between the two .The use of the second is  was to place an emphasis on the point I was about to make .But at the same time neither way is wrong it just depends on the preference of the user in making a statement .

    My mother is a retired school teacher Handy and English was one of my favorite subjects . Good penmanship was a must back in the day before lap tops and computers . When you had to write everything instead of type the language and punctuation was very important .

    See kids this is your brain on drugs . When you smoke bunk you hallucinate and your mind will constantly be in brain fart mode . Reasoning will be beyond your comprehension and understanding completely out of reach . No the world is not out to get you its just you chasing your self .

    Not that I'm a stickler for grammar, but, when there are multiple posts about grammar lessons in this thread, and from self-proclaimed grammar experts, I'd expect to see "its",  "it's", and "yourself" used correctly. 

    PhilEStein must be asleep on the job.  SHEESH!  ;-)

  • gonfission
    2,264 Posts
    Tue, Jun 27 2017 3:40 AM

    self-proclaimed grammar experts

    No expert, by any means Paul. As you plainly noticed, I slip on the proverbial banana peel once & awhile.

    I'd like to blame it on the hooch and over relaxation, or complete exhaustion, however, I am accountable for my actions.

    Dickens' quote itself is skewed. The use of capitals unnecessarily, & direct, instead of directly...

    If Chuck is fallible, then I guess I'm in good company :-)

    Thanks for the ever watchful eye Paul 

    Off to pay someone's Social Security 

  • drmoose
    3,546 Posts
    Tue, Jun 27 2017 4:34 AM

    I'm gonna go out there with this one. The issue is much larger than it appears ( mere grammar). What we are talking about here is survival of the human species. We've gotten this far by our ability to communicate our wants and needs through verbal expression. The more clearly we can express these things, the more apt we are to achieve the desired results.  Failure to express oneself in a coherent manner rarely, if ever, succeeds in reaching ones' goals. All are free to communicate however they wish ( of course ), the rest of us will use our decoder rings, or a translator, and, given time, we may be able to decipher whatever gibberish it is that you are spewing, or, possibly not. This would be directly proportional to the complexity of the point you are trying to make. Grunt, click, out.

    Doc :)

  • newcastleb
    1,813 Posts
    Tue, Jun 27 2017 5:08 AM

    I'm gonna go out there with this one.

    With you on that one Doc.  Some of the 'writing' I see these days is, to me, virtually indecipherable.  Is it any wonder there are so many young, unemployed if all they know is 'text speech'??
