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dodgy scores.....

rated by 0 users
Sun, Jun 25 2017 11:56 AM (7 replies)
  • jamesfox1973
    104 Posts
    Sat, Jun 24 2017 2:44 AM

    why is it when i end a round +1 0.05 gets added to my score but when on the rare occassions nothing strange happens and i end up with -2 only 0.02 gets taken off ??....

    how can 3 rounds of -2 be equal to 1 round of +1.....lmao

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sat, Jun 24 2017 4:29 AM

    +1 and -2 don't mean a thing - talk about full scores please, and remember that
    9 hole scores are doubled!

    Thus, your +1 is probably the latest 37, translating to a 74 for average calcs.
    -2 may be 34 = 68. Compare these to your Legend average of 70.05, then 74 is further away and will thus have a bigger impact than a 68.

    Also take into account that a Legend average consists of up to 500 scores. Thus, changes may be as small as 0.002 and thus be hidden by rounding for the display.


    Hint: Your stats show 1116 ranked rounds, and you haven't been a Legend for too long. If you investigate your past for the date you turned Legend and count the ranked rounds from that date in your score history, you may find out at which number of ranked rounds your Legend scoring started. Write it down, because it will help to figure out your saturation and further questions.

  • jamesfox1973
    104 Posts
    Sun, Jun 25 2017 5:05 AM

    the plus +1 and -2 rounds are all played on st andrews front or back i will play 2 rounds of the same but 2 front 9 or 2 back 9.. if i having a totally boring day as even wgt will past the dont play the other more dodgy andrews is bad

    so what ever par st andrews is for 18 round i think its 72?....

  • LMD01
    92 Posts
    Sun, Jun 25 2017 6:33 AM

     photo skellgrass_zpsgx7sygue.jpg  latest statue to be placed at st andrews,

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Jun 25 2017 7:30 AM

    so what ever par st andrews is for 18 round i think its 72?....


    I don't care here for anything but the full score - look at your scorecard or in your score history! Only then will I know if you played 9 or 18 and have a reliable number to base my reply on.

    Missing that, I won't care for the question usually...

    ... and I keep the "moronic trolls" in mind!

  • jamesfox1973
    104 Posts
    Sun, Jun 25 2017 11:14 AM

    i can 100% tell u i only play 9 holes per round.....i would not be able to take play wgt for 18 holes only for it to stitch me up at hole 15/16 or something

    front 9 @st andrews is 36 ...i either score 34 normal...or dodgy rng 37....:)

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Sun, Jun 25 2017 11:56 AM

    why is it when i end a round +1 0.05 gets added to my score but when on the rare occassions nothing strange happens and i end up with -2 only 0.02 gets taken off ??....

    Because that's what is should do.

    Your average is 70, averages are worked out on scores (the actual number not +/-par) and over 18 holes so nine hole scores are doubled.

    You say you play St Andrews and nine holes; +1 is 37 and gets doubled to 74. -2 is 34 and is doubled to 68.  The first score is four more than your average and second two less, so the +1 affects it twice as much as the -2 (remembering also averages are rounded up or down to two decimal places).   

  • phred952
    2,714 Posts
    Sun, Jun 25 2017 1:42 PM


    i can 100% tell u i only play 9 holes per round.....i would not be able to take play wgt for 18 holes only for it to stitch me up at hole 15/16 or something

    front 9 @st andrews is 36 ...i either score 34 normal...or dodgy rng 37....:)

    alosso's point is that by posting the score, there is no need to mention which course it was.  That makes trying to find an explanation easier for people trying to help you.  Average and course really have nothing to do with each other (Par3 and Par 5 courses being the exception, in that they don't count towards average).

    In the past you have been very confrontational with people who have tried to offer explanations beyond the simple 'WGT is out to get me" position you usually start with.

     You seem to forget that most of us acknowledge the game isn't perfect, but claiming WGT conspires against a particular player without proof is questionable at best.

    My only point is that if you really want help and take a more polite, reasoned approach, then you will get honest, helpful replies.

    Just something to keep in mind.  
