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Gifting Other Players

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Sat, Jun 9 2018 1:22 PM (17 replies)
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  • BustinHoles
    17 Posts
    Tue, Jun 27 2017 8:37 PM

    I am a new player, and I'd like to point out a major shortcoming (from my experience) with the gifting to other players. Being new, I had no way of knowing this would cost me 500 credits or more... there is no indication before clicking, and there is no confirmation box stating something like... "are you sure you want to spend almost every credit you have to gift some random dude you don't even know?" NO... I wouldn't! But guess what? I did... because I had no idea it would cost me $6.00 worth of credits to do it. 

    What's that about? Nice scam... I hate to be like that, but it seems like a function like that with no description to indicate it costs credits AND no confirmation box so that even a slip or miss click could cause you to blow massive amounts of credits was an intentional thing. I've messaged customer service about this, but somehow I highly doubt I'm going to get those credits back... therefore I find this to be an incredible discouragement to me purchasing anything else from this site, ever. 

  • phred952
    2,714 Posts
    Wed, Jun 28 2017 12:10 PM

    Well I am sorry for what happened to you.  But I do have to ask, did you think you were going to gift something for free?  

    First thing I would recommend is you look through the pro shop at all equipment and balls, to get a feel for what things cost, especially compared to performance.  Next, I would quit renting equipment until you get to a much higher lever.  Also quit buying those WGT L1 slow meter balls.  The 1.0 for meter speed is not much of an adjustment, and they are expensive compared to those I list below.  

    There are much better balls, that are much cheaper.  Look at any of the WGT G1, G12, or G13 balls (both S and D) and compare the specs.

    Use the SEARCH box to the right to get some info about the first set of irons you should consider buying.  I imagine you will find that will be the Ping G25'a @ L59.  They are the first true high trajectory irons available.

    Right now just try to enjoy the game, and learn it.  Pick one course (9 holes is better) and play it, trying to improve.  Learn all the shots.  Use SEARCH to find out how to make different shots, but remember they will be react using starter clubs.  After you lower your score a bit, try another one.  

    Don't be afraid to try all the free courses.  Be aware Cabo del Sol and Whistler charge a green fee.  Also play some CTTH courses in both CTTH and Blitz format.

    This game is a lot of fun, and I hate to see you get soured on it so soon.  I'm  sending you a sleeve of WGT G1-D balls so you can see the difference to those L1 slow meters you are using now.

    Don't get discouraged.  This is a great game, even with the problems that exist.  

    Have fun and enjoy it,


  • BustinHoles
    17 Posts
    Wed, Jun 28 2017 12:53 PM

    I'm not complaining about the game... actually, this is the best golfing game I've found so far, and there aren't many that exist for PC for some reason. My complaint is the simple icon that can be clicked and whisk away 500 credits without warning or confirmation. And as a new player, yes... actually, I did expect it to be free. Nothing indicated otherwise, and as far as how much things cost, the gifting option doesn't even show WHAT you're gifting. For all I knew, it could be the gift of friendship and send him a request to add him to my friends list! I'm exaggerating about that... but surely you see my point. What if I had miss-clicked? 

    For the sake of argument, lets say I wasn't a brand new player, unfamiliar with any of this, and I have been playing on this site for years. My cat jumps on my computer desk, my kid bumps my elbow, or any number of other circumstances that could potentially happen... and I miss-click a simple little icon on the window... OOPS 500 credits gone. No confirmation, no warning, no nothing. 

    I appreciate the gift, and I do love the game. Thank you for the advice, but I have a hard time believing that you find nothing wrong with what I've pointed out here. This is definitely an exceptional website, and I think WGT has done a hell of a job, but as a website trying to make money, I just thought it would take more than just a click to make $6.00 disappear. Granted, that's an extremely small amount of money, but that's really not the point here. 

    Anyway, I guess it's a cheap lesson learned... it's better than a $20 dollar lesson learned, but it shouldn't have cost me a dime to learn it. That's all I'm saying. 

  • BustinHoles
    17 Posts
    Wed, Jun 28 2017 1:02 PM

    I DO want to say, though, that I am pleasantly surprised that the customer support took care of the issue and that's all I wanted, so in that regard, I am 100% satisfied. 

    Thank you, and I will definitely continue to play and enjoy the game.

  • SidersBest
    873 Posts
    Wed, Jun 28 2017 1:49 PM


    Whether we want to admit it or not most of us have made the same mistake you've made. It's happen to me more than once, usually when I'm in a hurry to get to the next game. I gifted a guy 2 sleeves 600 or 650 each because he was doing some mapping that I didn't want to do. Don't do that, 2 years later and I'm still waiting on the spread sheet. Just have fun and slow down wait for the screen to react to your first command. See you out there.


    Siders Best

  • Robert1893
    7,730 Posts
    Wed, Jun 28 2017 3:27 PM


    Actually, on the transaction page, immediately under "Packs to Gift," the total cost is clearly stated.

    So, I think terming it a scam is a bit much. You simply missed it.

  • BustinHoles
    17 Posts
    Wed, Jun 28 2017 5:58 PM

    Yeah, nah... I was being a bit overly dramatic. I never considered it a scam, but I saw nothing about the cost. You're talking about the little gift box icon after a multiplayer game has been completed? Like... I played a stroke play 9 hole game, won the match, then got a box pop up afterwards with nothing but a little gift box icon at the bottom. Is that the one you're talking about? 

    If so, then yeah... I totally missed it. Because I didn't see a trace of anything but that gift button. 

  • phred952
    2,714 Posts
    Wed, Jun 28 2017 6:04 PM

    I had forgotten about that Robert, as life's been keeping me from the social side of the game for a while.  A great example of Art imitating Life.  : (   I agree he missed seeing it.

  • SidersBest
    873 Posts
    Wed, Jun 28 2017 7:51 PM

    Not an option in mobile game room, if you double click continue, you just bought your opponent a sleeve of balls and you may not even know what he or she was playing with. I've did it before.

    Siders Best

  • sheepsass
    657 Posts
    Thu, Jun 29 2017 5:12 AM


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