OnzieSecord666: tips on judging the break of putts with me
copy/paste of something I wrote a couple years ago.
To make the dots work for you it's imperative to have a general idea of how much time it is going to take for the putt to reach the hole. This isn't a straight line progression, as on longer putts, the force of the stroke causes the putt to cover more ground per second than later in the putt.
This has been called a simplified approach to G0LD's method.
On VF and TM Tourney flattish greens, a six foot putt takes 2 seconds to reach the hole, so for a putt of that length see how far the dots move in 2 seconds. That should be your break. Multiple speeds? Pick the one that is moving the average speed to time. Keep in mind that when you are hitting uphill, the time to reach the hole will be about the same, but you will have struck the ball harder, so a bit of break will be taken off. Downhill, the opposite is true, except the putt will take longer to get there, so more break needs to be allowed for.
10 foot putt - 3 seconds
20 - 4 seconds (realistically, just trying to avoid a 3 putt, here and forward)
30 - 4.5 seconds
40 - 5 seconds
Longer than that - work on your approaches.