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New & Unusual technical issue - help wanted

Thu, Jul 27 2017 12:40 PM (14 replies)
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  • RyjaTybas
    5,153 Posts
    Thu, Jul 13 2017 11:42 AM

    Any help most welcome.

    I've been playing this game for years (chrome browser and windows on desktop) - and although I've had my usual share of glitches - there's a new one that started Thurs 6th July - and its doing my head in!

    Games start fine, but after 4-5 holes, performance declines.

    This happens in 2 main ways (apart from an overall feeling of being laggy).

    1. the dots on the green slow down when I move the mouse to aim when putting - but they return to normal when the mouse stops moving. Makes things trickier.

    2. the meter/ding gets more erratic (except for putting) leading to more late hits (at its worse, it almost seems like the click on the mouse causes a delay).

    And the oddest thing - if I save and quit - shut the game window - and then restart it - the problem vanishes for another 4-5 holes.

    I'm no tech wizard, but I can't understand why something would get worse during the game. Its usually either good, bad or indifferent - lol - but has never behaved like this before - and its every single game.

    I've tried WGT member services - and although they were prompt and helpful - it was just the usual cache clearing stuff, which I've done. Have also tried a different mouse just in case, but all to no avail.

    Thanks to any "experts" who may have an idea what's going on....


  • adaputter
    1,954 Posts
    Thu, Jul 13 2017 12:13 PM

    just a thought 

    have you tried a disk clean up on your c drive?

  • Trevjor
    1,177 Posts
    Thu, Jul 13 2017 1:14 PM

    Check you drivers for updates. Use the free version of this program

    You could also try another browser like Firefox or Maxthon. If after all this fails I would reinstall Adobe Flash player to the latest version But Google Chrome uses it's own version so probably will not help but another browser may. GL.

    Disclaimer...I have nothing to do with iobit  or driver booster. But I do have and use the pro version.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Jul 13 2017 1:25 PM

    It sounds just like the Flash bug that shows up after playing a number of rounds without refreshing the browser only in your case it's only taking a few holes. You might try another browser to see if that changes the issue. Otherwise, you might be looking at rolling the Flash version back to an earlier one. I believe Flash updated recently.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Thu, Jul 13 2017 3:07 PM

    +1 YJ!

    To me, it looks like the "memory eating" bug of Flash in an extreme form.

    Maybe it's the update, maybe it's severe RAM usage by other programs (using Flash?).

  • RyjaTybas
    5,153 Posts
    Thu, Jul 13 2017 3:29 PM

    Thanks Community for input so far.

    I hadn't cleaned the C drive but now have.

    This also seemed to trigger a windows 10 update.

    I have good memories of Iobit software - so the driver solution looks promising.

    The Flash Bug sounds awful, but there's nothing hogging my RAM from what I can see.

    Maybe the next game will be OK - but at nearly midnight, I wouldn't be able to tell anyway.

    Report back tomorrow.

    Thanks again.


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Jul 13 2017 4:32 PM

    The Flash Bug sounds awful, but there's nothing hogging my RAM from what I can see.

    It's not that bad and has nothing to do with your RAM. Flash isn't returning freed up memory to the game the way it's supposed to. It takes a lot for it to kick in which makes it unusual here.

    It could simply mean something with Flash is loused up and that happens to a lot of people after an update-Flash not the game. Switching browsers is easy to do to eliminate that as a cause. Messing with the Flash version isn't so bad but you have to do it a certain way. There's lots of help here for doing that.  :-)

  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Thu, Jul 13 2017 9:12 PM

    Check your Flash Manager Settings.

    But it sounds like you need to do a good clean up of your computer.

    So make sure you clear both system and browser caches of cookies, auto fill, temp internet files, browser history, cached images and files, passwords, hosted app data, download history, etc. before you play WGT.

    Also make sure your computer's Registry is cleaned up, your disc drive(s) are de-fragmented, and you don't have applications running in the background that are eating up CPU time & performance.

  • JimbeauC
    5,835 Posts
    Fri, Jul 14 2017 2:41 PM

    started Thurs 6th July

    Curious. Did you install any programs or get something updated around then? If so, and it's something you can live without, a system restore might do the trick. 

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, Jul 14 2017 4:27 PM

    Did you install any programs or get something updated around then?

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