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Another worthless clash

Sun, Jul 23 2017 8:16 PM (10 replies)
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  • bikinigirl24
    313 Posts
    Fri, Jul 21 2017 5:50 AM

    There has got to be some kind of handicap system WGT can implement to break the stranglehold five or six clubs have in the clash so tell me WGT how can my little club compete with clubs five or six times it's size my Cc is  pitted against clubs who have more people playing in the clash then I have members it's hard to get members to compete in a clash when they know there is absolutely no chance they will even finish in the top 300 why can't smaller clubs be given more super passes and have those passes times the score by a factor of four or five instead of just the two  and why can't more meaningful prizes be given out through the top 500 although I do lay awake at night wishing my club had fishbowl tee markers the clash has become a joke and ironically the people at WGT are the only ones who don't see it I think people would be more willing to spend money in the clash if they knew they had a fair chance of winning 

    Maylee owner of the flying tigers country club

  • muncher27
    416 Posts
    Fri, Jul 21 2017 2:14 PM

    Hi bikinigirl, I hear where your coming from, I'm with a cc that's usually in the top 3 we don't have any players that are above the legend status, but the 2 clubs that run away with the victories are basically untouchable, they're full of tour masters and champion players, therefore one of there members will be acquiring a max cc putter, I've messaged wgt regarding levelling the playing field to give other clubs a chance, what I suggested was that on certain par 4s you can reach the green, I've asked about giving a cc putter to anyone that holes out in one, after all they give cars out in the real game, but noone can afford this putter at 400k, 

    Happy clashing

  • CEverett12
    14,177 Posts
    Fri, Jul 21 2017 4:25 PM


    There has got to be some kind of handicap system WGT can implement to break the stranglehold five or six clubs have in the clash so tell me WGT how can my little club compete with clubs five or six times it's size my Cc is  pitted against clubs who have more people playing in the clash then I have members it's hard to get members to compete in a clash when they know there is absolutely no chance they will even finish in the top 300 why can't smaller clubs be given more super passes and have those passes times the score by a factor of four or five instead of just the two  and why can't more meaningful prizes be given out through the top 500 although I do lay awake at night wishing my club had fishbowl tee markers the clash has become a joke and ironically the people at WGT are the only ones who don't see it I think people would be more willing to spend money in the clash if they knew they had a fair chance of winning 

    Maylee owner of the flying tigers country club


    We have been saying the same thing for a long , long , long time , Save your breath , no one is listening ... Only the members / players care ..


  • MBaggese
    15,369 Posts
    Fri, Jul 21 2017 6:25 PM

    Catching on...feeling the love...catching on....

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Fri, Jul 21 2017 10:03 PM

    Why aren't you using any punctuation or paragraphs?

    tell me WGT

    They won't.

    how can my little club compete with clubs five or six times it's size

    In principle, with diligence and money, but with your 41 members, it would be a PITA. Thus, final answer: You can't.

    they know there is absolutely no chance

    Follow the German saying: "If you have no chance, use it!"

    why can't smaller clubs be given more super passes and have those passes times the score by a factor of four or five instead of just the two

    Why should there be a preferential treatment to let you be successful with less credits at stake? Like anybody else, you must follow the First Commandment:

    Thou Shalt Grind!

    why can't more meaningful prizes be given out

    This would break the principles of the "CC passes" part of the game: Full emotional and financial input from one side, neglegible response from the other side...
    (to me, the only meaningful benefits are the Shot and Putter Pals)

    the clash has become a joke

    I'm afraid to contradict: The Clashes have been unchanged from the beginning: Auctions for nothing where each bid must be payed.

    I think people would be more willing to spend money in the clash if they knew they had a fair chance of winning 

    Maybe, but the current ratio of revenue seems to be pleasant enough. More programming effort might diminuish it.

    My credo: Don't buy passes. NEVER!

  • MBaggese
    15,369 Posts
    Fri, Jul 21 2017 10:30 PM

    Don't but passes. NEVER!



    +1 to the n

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Fri, Jul 21 2017 11:45 PM

    Was that a pun on my typo? Help me to laugh about it please! ;)

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Sat, Jul 22 2017 4:24 AM

    I just can't see any discussion worth having over rule changes.

    You get to buy passes and so the club that is prepared to spend the most will win finish top of the WGT dream list, skill deleted as a requirement..................I guess also the time factor racing round a course or two over and over (pass each time).

    In return you get half the XP and the chance of a WGT Employee painted OK putter that most, who have it, find out won't lift them out of mediocrity anyway.

  • HackWilson1930
    1,437 Posts
    Sat, Jul 22 2017 5:27 AM

    Maylee: The only reason that the clashes were developed was to drive revenue for WGT. One or two clubs found the formula for winning. That formula is a numbers game. The more rounds members play in a clash the more their club's chances of winning improve. 

    There are up to 12 separate clashes available with the scores being  combined for the club's total score. There are a few bonus points for winning individual clashes or having the best single round in a clash.

    Breaking down the latest clash numbers shows that the winning club had 127121 points or about 10500 / clash. If their membership of 238 (membership is down from previous clashes)  took part in each individual event at 40%  or about 95 members, it would only take about 100 points each to win. Naturally this number is required  for each of the 12 clashes that can be played. Since The Georgian, the winning club, has made playing in the clashes a priority for membership, they have become quite efficient at winning.

    Any club that can generate over 10000 points / clash has a chance at winning whether they do it with 50 members generating 200 points per clash or 100 members each generating 100 points. The only requirement is that to play a member must use a pass and since there is a limited number of free passes available, passes must be purchased to be able to win. Since larger clubs get more free passes, size does matter. Having members from around the world also is important because the clashes run continuously  for 48 hours. A club playing in only 10 clashes needs to drive more points / clash.

    Only you and the members of your club can decide if winning clashes is important. But if playing matches against other clubs is your desire, a simple head to head challenge might be more interesting. The club where I have my membership  has taken part in more than 20 of these head to head matches without having to purchase passes. It has become a way to make new friends here at WGT as well as adding another level of competition.  Often handicaps can be used in these head to head events so even small clubs with limited or even zero champion tier players can have a chance to win. Something that is not likely in the WGT format.

  • MBaggese
    15,369 Posts
    Sat, Jul 22 2017 9:13 AM


    Was that a pun on my typo? Help me to laugh about it please! ;)

    Never even noticed the typo till you mentioned it!

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