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Callaway Apex Iron Set (L100+) : Does this set have some issues?!

Mon, Sep 25 2017 9:02 AM (47 replies)
  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,765 Posts
    Sun, Jul 23 2017 12:41 PM

    Hello fellow WGT players,

    I recently switched my irons from NIKE Vapor Iron Set (L92) to Callaway Apex Iron Set (L100) and the result so far has been very disappointing. :-(  I had been so~ excited with high expectations before the purchase, but now... 

    Despite the identical spec in comparison with Vapor, Apex is very inconsistent for distance control in particular. What I have found about the set is that it tends to go (much) shorter than Vapor especially under FBS. Then you might think the solution would be easy : "Just add some yardage accordingly", right? WRONG! With a slight extra yardage, it starts flying WAY over the flagstick like you wouldn't believe! Talking about a catch-22 situation!! Been playing short long, long short for the last 3-4 days... Now I'm frustrated and exhausted.

    Is this iron set known for having such issues? Has anyone experienced the same like I did?

    I took a peep into some of the top rankers' bag to see which irons they're using and no one uses the Apex, still sticking to either old NIKE Vapors (L92 or L100) or even lower-leveled Steelhead XR (L97)! There must be a reason why, I guess!

    Any thoughts & opinions will be highly appreciated.


  • borntobesting
    9,783 Posts
    Sun, Jul 23 2017 6:56 PM


    Hello fellow WGT players,

    I recently switched my irons from NIKE Vapor Iron Set (L92) to Callaway Apex Iron Set (L100) and the result so far has been very disappointing. :-(  I had been so~ excited with high expectations before the purchase, but now... 

    Despite the identical spec in comparison with Vapor, Apex is very inconsistent for distance control in particular. What I have found about the set is that it Otends to go (much) shorter than Vapor especially under FBS. Then you might think the solution would be easy : "Just add some yardage accordingly", right? WRONG! With a slight extra yardage, it starts flying WAY over the flagstick like you wouldn't believe! Talking about a catch-22 situation!! Been playing short long, long short for the last 3-4 days... Now I'm frustrated and exhausted.

    Is this iron set known for having such issues? Has anyone experienced the same like I did?

    I took a peep into some of the top rankers' bag to see which irons they're using and no one uses the Apex, still sticking to either old NIKE Vapors (L92 or L100) or even lower-leveled Steelhead XR (L97)! There must be a reason why, I guess!

    Any thoughts & opinions will be highly appreciated.


    One question. Did you clear your cache after the purchase.

    If not you could have both the Nike and Callaway stats in your cache conflicting with each other. Before you give up on them clear your cache. Even if you have remember some clubs are affected more my slight changes in spin than others. Try remapping your clubs wih varying amonts of spin. 

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,765 Posts
    Sun, Jul 23 2017 7:53 PM

    One question. Did you clear your cache after the purchase.

    Hi B2B,

    No, I didn't... actually I can't because I'm a mobile player who never play on a PC web browser. Maybe I'll have to uninstall & reinstall the app in my tablet, but I've never encountered any problem before even if I played as it was.

    Even if you have remember some clubs are affected more my slight changes in spin than others. Try remapping your clubs wih varying amonts of spin. 

    Aaagghh~~!! Mapping again! I thought at L100 I was done with mapping for good! It is such a drudgery, backbreaker, grind, drag, toil that I certainly don't want to go through ever again!!

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sun, Jul 23 2017 10:40 PM

    I took a peep into some of the top rankers' bag to see which irons they're using and no one uses the Apex, still sticking to either old NIKE Vapors (L92 or L100) or even lower-leveled Steelhead XR (L97)! There must be a reason why, I guess!

    Those Apex irons replaced the Vapors with the only difference being meter speed. There's no real reason aside from curiosity or superfluous credits for existing Vapor owners to switch so you can't go by that. Clearing those cache files out is a good suggestion, I've seen that make a difference with new clubs.

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,765 Posts
    Sun, Jul 23 2017 10:58 PM

    OK Jim... I'll uninstall & reinstall the app in my tablet. Let's see if this has the same effects as clearing the cache files in PC. Thanks.

  • K7JBQ
    1,469 Posts
    Mon, Jul 24 2017 12:42 AM


    Let us know what you find. I always clear the cache -- both browser and Flash -- after an update or changing equipment, but I've never considered it when using the mobile app. Thought the settings would translate, but that might have been a dumb idea.

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,765 Posts
    Mon, Jul 24 2017 4:29 AM


    I uninstalled and reinstalled the app, but it's not been successful unfortunately, didn't fix a damned thing.

    So I just started mapping the Apex irons and it's driving me nuts!! What's really kinky about this set is when FBS is applied, they go much shorter with headwind and much longer with tailwind than the Vapors so I presume that they have higher apex than the Vapors although WGT claims that they both got the same spec. Maybe that's why the set in question is called "APEX" after all. LOL

    Anyway I'm playing like a guy who just started the game yesterday hitting all over the place right now.

    I'll let you know if I discover something else on the way.



  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, Jul 24 2017 5:16 AM

    Anyway I'm playing like a guy who just started the game yesterday hitting all over the place right now.

    I know what you need-a 5000 credit MPC. That should fix it, I'll volunteer.  ;-)

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,765 Posts
    Mon, Jul 24 2017 6:41 AM

    I know what you need-a 5000 credit MPC. That should fix it, I'll volunteer.  ;-)

    LOL Nah, I'll pass! ;-)

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,765 Posts
    Mon, Jul 24 2017 7:59 AM


    Did the NIKE Vapor Iron Set L100 use to have a similar tendancy (being considerably shorter FBS+HW and longer FBS+TW comparing to the NIKE Vapors L92)?

    Perhaps I should've asked it in present tense since many still use them...