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Bye Bye Flash

Fri, Aug 25 2017 5:09 PM (15 replies)
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  • RyjaTybas
    5,151 Posts
    Tue, Jul 25 2017 11:18 AM

    I see today that Adobe will stop Flash in 2020 - so unless WGT moves platform - that will probably be the end of the game as well.

    Any plans WGT?

  • AlmostHorrible
    89 Posts
    Tue, Jul 25 2017 11:24 AM

    somehow i don't think they'll care. seems like it's only a cash cow now to them. they won't do any work on the game now. doubt they'll rewrite the whole thing as html5 or opengl. ride that cow till the road ends then move on is my guess

  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Tue, Jul 25 2017 11:33 AM


    I see today that Adobe will stop Flash in 2020 - so unless WGT moves platform - that will probably be the end of the game as well.

    Any plans WGT?

    You`ve been here long enough to know that WGT wont answer any questions about its operations . So if this does happen with Flash Im sure they will make whatever adjustments they need . Who knows WGT may be working on that right now to make a better platform version for pc users . Everybody doesnt have a smart phone or a tablet and plus the fact that the computer industry continues to make both desk and laptops . Pretty safe to say that WGT / Top golf wont be considering taking a loss in thousands of members when its easy to create a new platform .


  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Tue, Jul 25 2017 1:04 PM

    1) After all this talk, I don't take 2020 as a fixed date. There's life in the old dog yet!

    2) After six years of WGT on PC, me, too, have an Android tablet now. I don't use it to play but that may change.
    Others will go that way, too, since the market changes.

    3) After all, WGT may have a good reason to abandon the PC game when Flash is gone.

    OT: Who knows the fate of real golf(?) Here, it's a seniors' sport, retirement pay drops, and the first courses are closing...

  • gonfission
    2,258 Posts
    Tue, Jul 25 2017 2:44 PM

    Who knows the fate of real golf

    Anyone wishing to see, the "very near" future, of everything, need only go to, the new show, on National Geographic channel, by the name of, "Year Million"

    If someone could hyperlink that, it would be easier, I suppose. I forget how to do it.

    It's not a physical year.

    6 episodes, so far. Very enthralling.

    Beware your "smart" phones, Facebook, & other electronic media.

    We are in the infancy, of "data mining", sucking information of all types, like a....(Y'all thought there was gonna be a ship yard, in there somewhere) Black Hole, swallows it's own galactic goo, ambulating imminently, about the event horizon.

    The more you give them, the more condensed the singularity becomes

    VEM9000 has a cameo, as well


  • phred952
    2,714 Posts
    Tue, Jul 25 2017 7:49 PM


    And one question is what really happens beyond the event horizon?

  • MBaggese
    15,369 Posts
    Tue, Jul 25 2017 11:28 PM



    And one question is what really happens beyond the event horizon?

    Maybe we'll all get a portion of our lives back;)

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Wed, Jul 26 2017 4:28 AM




    And one question is what really happens beyond the event horizon?

    Maybe we'll all get a portion of our lives back;)

    Maybe your right. I refuse to play on my phone or tablet

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Wed, Jul 26 2017 4:30 AM

    This link was posted in WGT Beta section about the flash and alternatives


  • gonfission
    2,258 Posts
    Wed, Jul 26 2017 4:33 AM

    And one question is what really happens beyond the event horizon?

    Postulation, theories, abound

    No one really knows, spegetification is talked about, then crushing gravity to a point smaller than a pin head. Designated as a singularity.

    Pyridine shift

    I do not concur with this old theory. I believe the Black Holes, are the engines that drive the galaxies building blocks. Substance of any type entering, does not get compressed into a singularity, it is moved from 1 place to another.

    Sure, its ripped apart, if conjecture of immense gravity is correct. Then reduced to its atomic structure. As all stars are essentially hydrogen, my theory is that hydrogen, the most plentiful substance in the universe, poops out the other end of the vortex.

    Becoming dark matter, which coincidently, was decided, makes up the darkness between all things celestial out there. WOW! What an original thought.

    They still have not found any, or it's origins. Or figured out it's hydrogen.

    Think about how many different ways a star meets it's demise, and, its end results. All are monumentally violently, deadly results. Pulsars, Quasars, red giant, etc.

    Then think about "billions & billions" thank you Mr. Sagan, of them getting sucked into a vortex. With all the repercussions, gamma ray bursts, x-rays, etc.

    All that power, fission, & fusion has to be taking place. A nuclear device of unimaginable proportions is being created inside there. Constantly imploding & exploding.

    We are going to be left with an infinite amount of big bangs, rather than just one, as postulated, when all galactic materials, do an about face, and slam back into each other, supposedly starting all of what we know, over again.


    Think up some chit, write a paper, submit it to the science academy, become a PhD, and start getting grants, to figure out errant shots here. At least you'll have substance at your finger tips.

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