Being gullible towards cheaters doesn't help the situation. Saying WHO CARES is what the software cheats want to hear. Meanwhile legit players get held back just like the 5th and 6th place finishers this year in the VT.
Here is an example why these players cheat and you draw your own conclusion Mr. Wheels.
step 1-- Verify your account through WGT.
step 2 --achieve the credits needed to purchase the $250 amazon gift card.
step 3--go to elite equipment in the pro-shop and purchase the gift card.
step 4- Use the gift card on amazon to purchase gifts for family members such as Christmas or birthday presents. Or even something great for yourself like video games, clothing apparel, etc.
Thus keeping money in your own pocket. Not having to fork out funds to purchase such items must be great huh? Definitely worth it I would say considering every year I spend thousands of dollars during the holidays. I would love to save some extra money by being able to cheat my way to one of these Amazon Gift Cards.
This is another thing I have tried to tell WGT. Do away with the Gift Cards. Or give the Gift Cards to the real winners like Fmags or Walk0flife. For winning the right way. Without Cheating.
Either way the 250 dollar amazon gift card is very achievable and isn't as far out of reach as some may think. I have had my credits up to 180k just playing skins and Match Play Challenges. It isn't as hard as people think to achieve. And if the player has Cheat Software they are almost unbeatable. Thus meaning they wont lose much and make it to their credit goal even quicker. I have been a gamer over 25 years. I cant stand a Cheat. Cheers Doc