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Sun, Jul 7 2013 12:50 AM (23 replies)
  • gh0st1st
    5 Posts
    Sun, May 22 2011 7:33 AM


    I just completed a MYview survey on healthcare only to get to the end and have it say i didnt qualify, when actually, I had already qualifies and finished this stupid survey. It definitely is hit or miss. You may get credits and you may not. Shitty system. Obviously, there is NOTHING that we can do.

    I just completed 3,and got credits for only 1..How can hey say u dont qualify,when its says u do at the start,answer all there questions,and waste ure time!


  • driveron68
    3 Posts
    Sun, May 22 2011 9:42 AM

    EXACTLY RIGHT!!!!  they get thier info from you then either say at end of survey that your not qualified or just dont give you the credits rip off

  • HDBanger
    348 Posts
    Mon, May 23 2011 5:39 AM

    Yup, happened 2x last week, decided to give em a try, and got shafted 2 out of 3. This BS has to stop, when the company says you qualify, then takes up the next 15 minutes of your life, and then says sorry, you DO NOT qualify for the survey that you JUST took, I'd say WGT has a god damn responsibility to axe these ripoff artists and remove the surveys. If I start getting emails from crappy companies because of these scams stealing my info, someone is going to pay for it, and it is not going to be me. You participate in this scam by presenting it to us WGT, do something about it.

  • EdwardRo
    191 Posts
    Mon, May 23 2011 6:41 AM

    Just took another survey this morning,                                                                                                  
    Great news! We found a survey that should be a good match for you. Thank you for sharing your opinions with us.
    Survey Information:
    New Online Survey!
    Survey Length = 20 minutes
    Earn 125 points for answering all of the initial qualifying questions and joining MyView! If you qualify, complete the survey and join MyView you will earn a total of 2800 points.

    well it took me about 24 minutes to finsih this survey and at the end again it said i didnt qualify after i answered every question ? another 75 credits, that takes my total of credits owed to me from surveys 1,525 

  • borntobesting
    9,772 Posts
    Mon, May 23 2011 7:56 AM


    Just took another survey this morning,                                                                                                  
    Great news! We found a survey that should be a good match for you. Thank you for sharing your opinions with us.
    Survey Information:
    New Online Survey!
    Survey Length = 20 minutes
    Earn 125 points for answering all of the initial qualifying questions and joining MyView! If you qualify, complete the survey and join MyView you will earn a total of 2800 points.

    well it took me about 24 minutes to finsih this survey and at the end again it said i didnt qualify after i answered every question ? another 75 credits, that takes my total of credits owed to me from surveys 1,525 

    With the myview surveys it is very easy to prove that you completed a survey. Log straight to the myview site. http? and log in. Click on my rewards,when that loads click on myview points balance history. there you will find a list of all myview surveys attempted and completed. Copy this list and send it to trialpay as proof that you completed a survey. I have had to do this with almost every myview survey that I completed. This page also shows when you joined so you might want to copy the whole page to send to Trialpay.

  • JaLaBar
    1,254 Posts
    Mon, May 23 2011 8:46 AM

    I too have been hooked by this rip-off, answering questions for 15 minutes before being told I don't qualify to answer questions.  WGT wants to be a quality site, they need to contact these companies and let them know that if WGT members answer questions, they get credits, period.  No more 'pre-survey'  so they can get free data.

    WGT, they are screwing YOUR customers on YOUR site.  Do something about it.

    By my calculations, I am currently owed 900 credits, as I spent 15 minutes answering questions on the 450c survey, and 10 minutes each on 3 150c surveys.  I'd like a response from WGT when I can expect to get my credits?  And if I am not going to get them, then I'd like a response as to what steps WGT is taking to have companies that scam and rip off their customers removed from the site.

  • EdwardRo
    191 Posts
    Wed, May 25 2011 10:52 AM

    ok heres same old e-mail i get back after notifying the survey support,     Dear Edward, 

    Thank you for using TrialPay and for taking the time to email us.

    I have checked your customer log and it appears that you received credit for the Ampario Survey offer on 2011-05-20.

    Additionally, please note that in order to successfully complete the survey offers, you must first qualify for a survey and then complete the full survey before you will be credited. As customer eligibility is determined by the survey team and not by TrialPay, we are unfortunately unable to credit you at this time. For future reference, in order to ensure proper offer tracking, please provide accurate and current information when completing all surveys.

    If you are still interested in receiving Credits for free, please feel free to return to the checkout to re-access the survey or complete one of our alternate partner offers that may better suit your needs.

  • racermike
    20 Posts
    Thu, Oct 6 2011 12:19 PM

    I WAS JUST NOW FLAGRANTLY RIPPED OFF BY SAMPLEICOUS FOR 150 CREDITS!!!!!  I did their survey , answered the questions  about 4 different products and four different stores , was told "you re almost done , just a few more questions to categorize your answers" . Then after about 25 or so minutes I'm told I don't qualify for the survey I JUST TOOK!!! They took the product information and I'm sure they will use and keep it!  Also, why do I have to write this in a public forum instead of being able to contact a W.G.T. representative directly?                                                                                                                            I have composed a letter to the Federal Attorney General's office , outlining the business practices of this and some of the other survey companies  victimizing the members who enjoy this site. I didn't want to make this an open letter but since this is the only way to voice this problem I have no choice. I am willing to wait 48 hours to see if W.G.T. can persuade the offenders to police themselves  and go back and correct the short changing that has taken place in the past, if not I owe it to myself and the other members to regretfully send the letter.     

  • Walnut46
    1 Posts
    Thu, Oct 6 2011 6:39 PM

    this thing owed me about 2500 for all ones i took it is a scam

  • racermike
    20 Posts
    Fri, Oct 7 2011 7:00 AM

    I did some checking... the survey site known as Samplico us (I was so pissed off yesterday I didn't get the name right)  I went to to ask them about their business practices. The first thing I saw was a warning THIS IS A REPORTED PHISHING SITE SET UP TO TRICK VICTIMS OUT OF PERSONAL AND BANKING INFORMATION.                            This company is obviously one of bad repute and for the sake of the members and the good name of W.G.T. should be forced to pay all of what they owe (If they can't figure out who they owe , perhaps 1500 credits for each member to avoid prosecution would be a solution .) then banned from any access to this site.  Also checking the other sites is strongly recommended.