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Make the Virtual Tour real!

Mon, Jan 1 2018 5:55 AM (33 replies)
  • Miantiao
    401 Posts
    Wed, Aug 9 2017 1:36 AM

    The Virtual Tour is a fantastic concept. However, unlimited first rounds make it a joke. It would be far more realistic to play each monthly VT tournament over four single rounds.

    WGT's need for revenue keeps the site going and allows for development of new courses.This is a fact, but I suspect WGT makes enough revenue without having to bastardise the Virtual Tour.

    I suspect that WGT would not lose much revenue, if at all, if the VT were played over four single rounds because most players that enter will play four rounds knowing that ANYONE could play a poor round, or two.

    Call me old fashioned, or a fan of fair play, I don't care, but the current system where ten to twenty players score a ridiculous first round leaves the second round a no contest. I refuse to waste my pills in order to score a well below average first unlimited round in order to be competitive in the second. Two, or perhaps three attempts at most. Mostly I'm happy with my first attempt because it resembles my true ability.

    Some will say sour grape, but my answer to that is why waste my time and pills on a contest that is inherently unfair for anyone that isn't willing to waste time or money?

    In addition, wouldn't such great scores be truly worthy of note if they were shot in a single round, such as some fine scores in ReadyGo, Bracket, and Single play weekly and monthly events?

    I'd be interested to hear what other players think. And I'd also be very interested to hear what excuses WGT has for persisting with the current formula.


  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Wed, Aug 9 2017 2:46 PM

    Do you feel the same way when winning ? What pills are you taking before you play ? Yes there are those who will call you names about this . But in all fairness although you feel it a waste of your time you still have the option to play the rounds just like everyone else . If you need to get on top by playing a round over then do so .

    Many players talk about fairness in the game but there has never been fairness in the game . The winds arent the same for everyone nor does every player get the same level of deviation when playing either . So there goes fairness out the window and the only fair thing is to allow unlimited play .

    WGT as always isnt going to respond to you about this . In case you havent noticed the forums are like a grave yard when it comes to the mods saying anything . Now if you just want the run around then send a kite through C/S and they will be very glad to dummy down and give you a no reply answer . Or they may give you an answer that makes absolutely no sense what so ever .

  • MainzMan
    9,591 Posts
    Thu, Aug 10 2017 2:26 AM

    I agree absolutely with the OP, unlimited rounds are an abomination.  When a tour pro hits a ball in the water on the second hole they don't go back and start again, they have to carry on and try to make up for it later.  I cannot think of a single sport where an athlete can have another go if they haven't done well enough.

    It's pathetic and should be scrapped and whoever thought of it should be taken to the top of WGT Tower and thrown off.  If it isn't a very high tower then take them back up and do it again.

    However, I also agree with Lonnie, they will never change it.  All those balls sold are just too good to give up.  And yes, if you write to customer services you may get lucky and someone with a brain will actually read what you wrote and give a reasonable answer.  Or you may get an apparently random stock answer that tells you the rough is that way because of it being very stiff grass.

    Unlimited rounds suck donkey balls but sadly they're here to stay.

  • sky0diver
    119 Posts
    Thu, Aug 10 2017 2:32 AM

    totally agree with you. this ridiculous "repeat each round until you have a great score" concept is a gamers perspective, not a golfers one. I mentioned this previously as well and gotten a similar reply like you got above. There should at least be options of having multiple round,- one try per round tournaments so people who enjoy the true competition can sign up and the games who just aim to get as low a score as possible by trying x-number of times can plot away on those tournaments. Nobody would lose anything and the game would be enriched.

  • Miantiao
    401 Posts
    Thu, Aug 10 2017 3:10 AM


    Tour Pros aren't the only plebs to occasionally lob one in the water.

    And that right there is my point. Top players shoot average rounds as well. Take a look at the St Andrews Classic for example. Peruse the leader board on the first and second page and compare the differences in scores between the first and second rounds.

    Look, to be polite and grant  benefit of the doubt a couple of those first round scores of 53 were genuine first attempts. However, nobody scored 53 in the second round. 55 was the best second round score. Most shot 3-5 shots higher in the second round. Kinda says a lot,

    Four single rounds, full stop!

  • birchi
    1,492 Posts
    Thu, Aug 10 2017 6:44 AM

    I think this is not the first time this idea comes up in the forum, don't think WGT will ever change the format though. 

    A nice compromise between WGT's need for acquiring revenue and a fairer competition for the top players (who are the almost always the ones criticising the current format) would be to have a 4 single round tournament at the end of each quarter in the champion tier while leaving all other tiers and 8 months in the champion tier untouched. 

  • Miantiao
    401 Posts
    Thu, Aug 10 2017 9:08 AM


    I think this is not the first time this idea comes up in the forum, don't think WGT will ever change the format though. 

    A nice compromise between WGT's need for acquiring revenue and a fairer competition for the top players (who are the almost always the ones criticising the current format) would be to have a 4 single round tournament at the end of each quarter in the champion tier while leaving all other tiers and 8 months in the champion tier untouched. 

    Hi Simon

    Four single rounds for the quarterly Tournament is a great idea.

    For monthly VT tournaments perhaps two single rounds, one played in each half of the month. 

    There are plenty of other unlimited monthly and weekly tournaments that diehards can get their fix from, while WGT make their revenue. And that's not including club tournaments either.

    In regard different rules for different tiers, I don't see how lower tiers would be any different in their appreciation of realism whereby anyone could shoot a poor round and open a window for others.

    In any case the Major tournaments should all be formatted with single rounds.

    Currently the only single round multiple round tournaments are paid entry, with only the top three getting a share of the prize pool.


  • zagraniczniak
    1,984 Posts
    Thu, Aug 10 2017 2:10 PM

    Another option is unlimited attempts in the first round, but each time you start another attempt your existing score is thrown out. So once you hit a score you're unlikely to improve on, you will tend to stick with that score and not take a chance on getting a worse score.  

  • phred952
    2,714 Posts
    Thu, Aug 10 2017 3:06 PM



    Tour Pros aren't the only plebs to occasionally lob one in the water.


    If you aren't sure, the tour pros MM referred to aren't the ones in this game.

  • DirtyDuffer
    877 Posts
    Thu, Aug 10 2017 3:53 PM

    VT format is a joke. I refuse to waste my time anymore. 

    Why you ask?

    I HAVE A LIFE TO LIVE outside WGT. 

    I enjoyably play 1-2 rds daily, mostly within my CC I belong. I adamantly refuse to play those tourneys with others who'll play the same round repeatedly till their satisfied with a 55 or whatever.

    My solution...Play single play tournaments only, just like the REAL GAME.

    My .02 worth...