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level Playing field inner Forum Comps

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Thu, Aug 10 2017 3:38 PM (11 replies)
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  • CoolRunningx
    4,719 Posts
    Wed, Aug 9 2017 9:58 AM

    Hi  All  

    Was  wondering ,  the  best  way  to have  a  level  playing  field when  setting  up  a  Bracket  or  similar,  Inner  Club  forum  Comp.



    Tour Pro

    upto legend


    Over  9  Holes  What  shots  would  you  give  ?

    Over  18  Holes  What  shots  would  you  give  ?


    So  i  would  say   Champ, Tour Legend and  Legend  Scratch..


    So  if  a  Scratch  player  played, a  Tour  Pro,  how  many   shots


    Thanks  All  for  your  Feed  back,  Appreciated  indeed

    Many Thanks


  • K7JBQ
    1,469 Posts
    Wed, Aug 9 2017 1:11 PM


    If you're running the tournament with everyone hitting from their default tees, you don't need any additional handicapping.

  • adaputter
    1,954 Posts
    Wed, Aug 9 2017 1:18 PM

    if it was set a practice loads of variables

    ranked is handicapped anyway by tier

  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Wed, Aug 9 2017 1:32 PM

    if it was set a practice loads of variables

    and, due to the same set of tees, always the advantage of higher levels by better equipment.

    ranked is handicapped anyway by tier

    I'd add the average as a sort-of handicap because it indicates which scores a player can achieve.

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Wed, Aug 9 2017 2:38 PM

    Hack  -2

    Pro  -1

    Tour Pro 0

    Master  +1

    Tour Master  +2

    Legend  +3

  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Wed, Aug 9 2017 3:13 PM

    This wouldn't work IMHO.

    In my CC, we have had a spread of 7 between Tour Pros and Champs and it showed to be too low.

    Imagine that a Champ plays 60 scores while a Hack may play 90 scores - the HCP must be 30 to compensate.

    Your numbers expect the Hack to play 65 to contend.

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Wed, Aug 9 2017 3:58 PM

    He only has players up to legend. I know it's not great but it's a starting point.

  • phred952
    2,714 Posts
    Wed, Aug 9 2017 8:36 PM

    Our CC uses a variation of the USGA system, picking an unanounced cutoff date, and taking the 5 best of the last 10 rounds played for the average that month.   Then take that score X 96% (ignoring all the slope factors).  However we use 60 as our base score, that being the level up average point to go to TL.

    So if someone has an average of 65 from their 5 best before the 96% factor, then the nett average is 62.40.  Anything under 0.50 points is rounded down.  So the player has an average of 62, and a handicap of -2 for each 18 hole round.  We cap maximum minus H/C at -9, and maximum plus H/C at +2.

    For the purpose of creditentry fee tournaments in the CC we also rate players into A, B and C Flights.  A Flight is for H/C's from +2 to -2.  B Flight is for -3 to -6.  C flight is for -7 to -9.  

    However, those tournament have no numerical adjustment.  Players are expected to only play in Tournaments set up for their letter grade.  We usually combine A + B, and B + C together.  

    While not perfect, it does help level the playing field some, combined with using default tees.  However, lower tier players can still be at a disadvantage with faster green speeds.

  • K7JBQ
    1,469 Posts
    Wed, Aug 9 2017 11:30 PM


    This is why real CCs use a flight system.



  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Thu, Aug 10 2017 12:16 AM


    Hi  All  

    Was  wondering ,  the  best  way  to have  a  level  playing  field when  setting  up  a  Bracket  or  similar,  Inner  Club  forum  Comp.



    Tour Pro

    upto legend

    This must be even harder with the lower tiers, some will be struggling to get out while others are quickly passing through.  Some may not play many RR's.  I think you'd really need to know your players and assign handicaps individually, not by tier.  Adjustments could come from performance in these competitions.

    A competition that may work, to an extent at least, is using the set of the week .  The different tees then really would make a difference.

    I'm not really sure how you'd use a numerical handicap in a bracket anyway, wouldn't the lower actual score be advanced?


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