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When is enough truly enough?

Wed, Jul 27 2011 10:38 AM (31 replies)
  • Bootsnbra
    2,322 Posts
    Mon, May 23 2011 8:45 PM

    I would like to know WGT's position on "dual accounts" being used to defraud the tournament system and when will a purge of all dual user accounts be possible to clean up the system?

    It is very disheartening to watch players bust their bottoms to get to be better players and then to see they were not ever capable of even getting a fair shot at the tournaments.  Why? Because the upper tiers make new names and then play those tournaments in lower tier names and defraud the entire system for the credits. 

    So when is enough truly enough and a purge possible?

    For the record my assistant Kat registered a name when I first came to WGT. She used one of the 7 computers in my office but has never once played a game on WGT and will not. Kat was swallowed up by some word game on Yahoo that will require us to send her to Betty Ford's Literati Clinic lol.


  • cappiest
    1,346 Posts
    Mon, May 23 2011 10:06 PM

    Well i tell ya i just played with a tourmaster that is not in any way shape or form a tourmaster.....25 on back nine at Kia......something is up here WGT. The game is going sour here. xxxxxxxxxx.....sry you are either using a cheat or you are a dual account holder.....something wrong here. Been playing the game long enough toknow when something is not right.

  • JaLaBar
    1,254 Posts
    Mon, May 23 2011 10:26 PM

    I watched an Amateur snake a 35+ foot serpentine putt at SA to 3'" from the hole and thought to myself "That is no amateur"

    And it should be fairly easy for WGT to just cross check the database for multiple accts. from the same IP, or purchases from the same credit or debit card and delete the most recent accts.  Don't even discuss it.  It violated the ToS, just delete them.  If it were me, I would delete all the acts. that are in violation of the ToS.  Maybe if a Legend finds his acct. gone, it will smarten up any others that are doing this.  Of course, all of us spent our money under the ToS that are in place, so WGT does have an obligation, if they'd prefer not refund all of it, to uphold and enforce the ToS.

  • FRIENDofyourWIFE
    305 Posts
    Mon, May 23 2011 10:51 PM

    Yes I win the match game against you. I dont know that it bothers more that i'm a women or Tourmaster  ... The truth is that you lost, and now you do to harass me by writing about me. You can do whatever you want but people who have played with me know what kind of player I am. Again good luck.

  • TheLighterDark
    1,404 Posts
    Tue, May 24 2011 12:34 AM

    Going off of IP addresses is typically a pretty bad idea. I've had multiple friends of mine register accounts while at my house, and not to mention another prominent member of this site plays alongside me at most hours of the day. 

  • suncity28
    1,266 Posts
    Tue, May 24 2011 12:51 AM

    Well i tell ya i just played with a tourmaster that is not in any way shape or form a tourmaster.....25 on back nine at Kia......something is up here WGT. The game is going sour here. xxxxxxsry you are either using a cheat or you are a dual account holder.....something wrong here. Been playing the game long enough toknow when something is not right.

    I have heard of this player before some where can not recall what it was about.

    25 back 9 kiawah -11 must have eagled 11th - 16th bird the rest. I can`t shot that in the ketel cup on the back 9 from the lady's tee`s. 

    Seems to like to play match play , got to love match play :o)

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Tue, May 24 2011 10:02 AM


    Well i tell ya i just played with a tourmaster that is not in any way shape or form a tourmaster.....25 on back nine at Kia......something is up here WGT. The game is going sour here. Friendofyourwife.....sry you are either using a cheat or you are a dual account holder.....something wrong here. Been playing the game long enough toknow when something is not right.


    Your allegations are unfounded, FOYW may have the skills to turn Legend and the average is close, but when I was a TM I played FOYW 3 or 4 times in MPC games, IIRC we split them, or maybe I'm one down...anyways, crying because you got spanked by a better player is bad form.


  • DAZZA501
    5,972 Posts
    Tue, May 24 2011 10:58 AM

    Going off of IP addresses is typically a pretty bad idea. I've had multiple friends of mine register accounts while at my house, and not to mention another prominent member of this site plays alongside me at most hours of the day.

    I agree with this. When my friends come round my house i tell them about this game thats got me hooked and most of the time we end up setting them up an account to join in the fun.

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Tue, May 24 2011 12:03 PM

    I am not going to tolerate members calling out other members in public. If you cannot abide by the rules, I can help you there via other means.

    Please consider this a first and last warning.


  • Bootsnbra
    2,322 Posts
    Tue, May 24 2011 6:51 PM

    First and foremost I would like to stand up and applaud WGT on their revised ZERO TOLERANCE TOS  Agreement with all users!


    It has always been against the rules to have more then one account for your personal use however the penalty will now be stiffer. I would highly suggest all users stop and read what the TOS now states. There is no more of the "we may take your other accounts" you created and slap your hands BS going on . Now you screw with the tournaments or on the courses and guess what? WGT IS NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE and YOU MAY LOSE ALL ACCOUNTS ! 

    Each user participating at WORLD GOLF TOUR (WGT) may have only one player account. If you wish to create a new player account, please contact us at If World Golf Tour determines that you have more than one account, all accounts created subsequent to the first account may be automatically terminated without notice. Continued violation of the Terms & Conditions, including the creation of more than one player account, may result in the termination of all of your player accounts. Your account is non transferable. You may not allow any other person to use your player account to access WORLD GOLF TOUR (WGT), participate in any tournament or game, or to accept any winnings related to your player account.




    ~Bootsie ~