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Join a Country Club pop-up

Fri, Sep 1 2017 1:30 AM (26 replies)
  • ScottHope
    10,674 Posts
    Fri, Aug 18 2017 2:19 AM

    For far too long have I been irritated by this pop up every time I open the game client. It has been posted about before by myself and others, and I'm sure it wouldn't be too difficult for WGT to add a 'Never Show Again' checkbox to give us the choice of not having to see it, but they haven't.

    I have (by accident) found the file responsible for this pop up, and if you add it to your Ad Block program, you can stop it from appearing.

    I made a post about adding things to AdBlock's custom filter list a while back, HERE, so hopefully you can use that to add this file (in bold below) to block the Country Club pop up.*/uiassets/uix/cc/cc_interaction_configuration.json

    Good luck. : )

    P.S. I apologise to all the CC owners whose clubs I accidently joined due to this pop up. But it won't be happening anymore, thankfully.

    EDIT : Sadly, it looks as though this file is connected with editing your equipment, as it takes a while, after clicking any of the equipment icons, for the inventory pop up to appear. You can edit your equipment via your profile page though and the delay doesn't occur if you do it that way.

  • LDN3
    177 Posts
    Fri, Aug 18 2017 4:32 AM

    This only pops up when your not a CC member. Very little activity in these CC's, owners haven't played in a long time or members. Good place for active CC to recruit. 

  • ScottHope
    10,674 Posts
    Fri, Aug 18 2017 5:15 AM

    My main issue with it was clicking on one of my equipment icons to change the gear I was using, and then finding that I had joined a club instead, because the join club button in the CC pop up, had been activated in the second or two before the pop up actually appeared on screen.

  • JimbeauC
    5,835 Posts
    Fri, Aug 18 2017 9:19 AM

    I remember someone stating that they'd started a CC and set it for no new members. Draconian, but I guess it would work. 

  • ScottHope
    10,674 Posts
    Fri, Aug 18 2017 10:02 AM

    Yep, I guess it would Jim. But, I like to have some merit attached to the tier I'm on and, as we all know, WGT threw that away for club members some time ago.

  • JimbeauC
    5,835 Posts
    Fri, Aug 18 2017 10:39 AM

    WGT threw that away for club members some time ago.


    Hmm. Name of club - "Default Tees Only"


  • ScottHope
    10,674 Posts
    Fri, Aug 18 2017 1:09 PM

    Nice idea, but I'm not going to be bludgeoned by WGT into joining/creating a CC just because they think I should.

    Thanks for the input though Jim. Have a good day.  : )

  • JimbeauC
    5,835 Posts
    Fri, Aug 18 2017 1:46 PM

    Thanks. You too. 

    Just a thought. Would it work to temporarily disable AdBlock before changing equipment? I know that would be somewhat problematic with switching from gameclient to regular window/tab. 

  • ScottHope
    10,674 Posts
    Fri, Aug 18 2017 2:01 PM

    That is a way around it. I will do that as I have a normal tab and the game client both open when I play. Thank you Jim.  : )