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Awards for the man who has everything.

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Wed, May 25 2011 10:16 AM (1 replies)
  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Wed, May 25 2011 9:46 AM

    I was just the other day chatting to a friend about my super brilliance and other related issues like whether or not I closed my eyes during certain acts which required supreme concentration, sometimes likely to take ones very breath away with the ectasy which follows such acts, when he did say to me what I have reproduced below. For the record I said that I did not close my eyes during that particular wedge shot, and given its subsequent trajectory and closeness to a hole out, perhaps this is a good reason to keep them open. However, here is what he said ;

    " Rooster Cal-burn (clleejr) and I were all up on Bethpage earlier shooting some golf (if Chuckie had been with us he would probably rather have shot Cal's rooster cos it's so noisy!).  Anyroad, on #10 I hit the fairway and put my approach to 7.9ft.  And from there I proceeded to 6-putt!!!  Is that a record?  5 of those putts were from 2.1ft, although, in my defence, on each subsequent attempt they did get further and further away, 18ft at one point thanks to WGT's caddy giving me a 60ft meter!

    I think WGT need to bring out another award... the Most Putts on One Hole award.  I'm sure I'd have the diamond award."

    Personally I feel that such an award would be achieveable only by the most determined of individuals, I even said, " Mio, do you not think that already there are awards enough beyond my reach? "  to which he replied I must try harder, and that if I was going to put this information into a public domain such as the forums, then would I please protect his anonymity. I assured him that his secret was totally secure with myself, although for obvious reasons, there would be no guarantee that the people I told would offer him the same.


    Lizzie xx

  • MBaggese
    15,369 Posts
    Wed, May 25 2011 10:16 AM

    I was just the other day chatting to a friend about my super brilliance and other related issues like whether or not I closed my eyes during certain acts which required supreme concentration, sometimes likely to take ones very breath away with the ectasy which follows such acts, when he did say to me what I have reproduced below.


    I only kept reading because of the above.


    Once you started talking wedge shots, I lost concentration ;)