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Credit Earnings & Deposits,

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Fri, May 27 2011 11:57 AM (10 replies)
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  • passiveson
    39 Posts
    Thu, May 26 2011 10:31 AM

    What's the point of earning credits or making deposits that can only be spent at the pro shop? It all goes back into WGT's pocket anyway. I read postings in the forum about players cheating in match play games, but what's the advantage? Credit at WGT's virtual pro shop.

    If I win tourneys for prizes (credits), what does that profit? I got all the equipment I need. I can only buy so much. So, does WGT provide us withdrawal options? When my bank reaches $100.00s can I use them "earnings" in the real world? And why not?

  • Golfspieler
    1,614 Posts
    Thu, May 26 2011 11:09 AM

    With your $4 dollars in career earnings I wouldn't worry about it too much. It's fair enough that credits won in the game have to be spent in the pro shop. You can't expect them to hand over cash in exchange for credits  lol, they'd be out of business in a week.

  • passiveson
    39 Posts
    Thu, May 26 2011 12:05 PM

    It's not like I haven't invested hard cash in WGT.  To the tune of $75.00+ so far. The credits they award for advancing tiers wouldn't buy into but a few  tournaments, entry fees are players' cash.  $1.00 entry fee, 50 entrants equals $50.00. So if I win how is it WGTs? It goes to my credit,  It doesn't come out of their pocket. Hell they even take a cut. 

    I didn't buy my clubs and balls by earnings from tier advancement. I invested into my game. WGT got it's dime. So now if I win credits from tournament entrant fees, that is not WGTs, nor is it an expenditure of their capital, it's credited to me.

    But then that's the point isn't it? if WGT credits have no value to the player why award them?

  • TarheelsRule
    5,603 Posts
    Thu, May 26 2011 12:27 PM

    YOu can redeem your credits for gift certificates at a few places, like Amazon and I think one of the golf shops online.  Generally the theory is the credits have no real cash value except in the pro shop or in gifting to others.

  • gsoup
    2,929 Posts
    Thu, May 26 2011 12:54 PM




  • passiveson
    39 Posts
    Thu, May 26 2011 1:06 PM




    No, it's a business. We are patrons. We pay money to play, and when we win, WGT keeps the cash and gives us credits worth nada, zilch, nothing.

    The point I'm making isn't about the cashing in, but rather why even issue the credits if they're worthless?

    I guess I'm thinking like this, it costs me a $1.00 cash to enter a tournament. If I win I might get 2,000 WGT credits worth nothing, so why do it?

  • passiveson
    39 Posts
    Thu, May 26 2011 1:21 PM

    Maserati GranCabrio


    Well now, that's incentive, 70,000,000.00 cr

    Can I borrow 70,000,000.00 cr plz?

    Gives a whole new meaning to 'Buying a driver' at the pro shop. lol

    150 Posts
    Thu, May 26 2011 3:37 PM

    Under the Pro Shop title there is a place called the elite collection  go there and see what your credits will buy.

  • TurkishTerror
    2,177 Posts
    Thu, May 26 2011 5:47 PM

    damn, and I thought i complained a lot.........................

  • cfuray
    62 Posts
    Fri, May 27 2011 11:55 AM





    well said

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