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Failing to get into games

Wed, Sep 6 2017 1:24 AM (6 replies)
  • Jasonthomas1st
    82 Posts
    Sun, Sep 3 2017 7:41 AM

    Hi all


    I've been enjoying WGT for a few weeks, getting a little better slowly.


    I've found that it's very hard to get into games though, a lot of the time I will be "removed" before the game starts, or everyone else leaves before we get going.


    What can I do to get into more games?




  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Sun, Sep 3 2017 10:54 AM

    Hey JT first off welcome to the game it gets better with time . You are going to have to build you a friends list as thats the best way . Start friending club members from your club and playing rounds with them . Also just be patient as you are just starting to play and sad to say some players think they are too good to play with lower tier players . There`s a ton of information here in the forums as well as good players willing to help and advise you along the way .

    So keep your head up and learn how to play the game . Use the search box >>>>> to find what you are looking for . Also just hangout here in the main forum and meet some of us old timers who have been here for years . Keep setting up games and inviting others to play and some will accept and play . Be willing to play to the end and always be courteous and respectful . The rest will fall into place . Take care and again welcome to the game .

  • claremoreblue
    2,322 Posts
    Sun, Sep 3 2017 6:48 PM

    Hello Jason! Lonnie has some good advice my friend. It takes awhile but it all works out. Just make sure you learn all aspects of the game and the shot options available. The punch and flop, pitch and chip are your friend after learning how to use them. Those may or may not help right now with the clubs you have but learn them anyway. Enjoy and happy hitting and remember, never start a game you can't finish as Lonnie stated! Have a great week sir.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sun, Sep 3 2017 11:48 PM

    Hi Jason,

    Some great advice by Lonnie and claremoreblue....they have been around the traps and are good, knowledgeable players.

    Sadly, at all levels you find quitters, but they are more prevalent in the lower tiers and levels, so building up a trusted friends base helps. A good CC will provide this platform. You will also find some higher tiers can be snobs lol......and will not play with newbies.....but hey, we were all there once!

    Also, when you get a chance, play with higher tiers and ask them questions....most players are willing to help offer advice.

    Like has been said already, learn ALL the shot types and practice not hurry to upgrade clubs, until you can get decent sticks.....and do the free credit offers if you can to accumulate credits.

    Above all, have fun playing this frustrating, annoying but fun game.

  • Jasonthomas1st
    82 Posts
    Mon, Sep 4 2017 12:20 PM

    Hi all, thank you for the well constructed replies.

    Since posting this I've received an invite to a CC, and a friend request, wonderful.


    I'll spend some time learning the shots, as suggested. I've been too impatient to do that so far - just want to get on with it.

    Need to learn some patience.


    I always intend to finish games, I'm far to addicted to anything other.

  • Dave33200
    2,955 Posts
    Tue, Sep 5 2017 3:00 PM

    If you need someone to play a round with, look me up. I've only been playing a few weeks myself. 

  • Jasonthomas1st
    82 Posts
    Wed, Sep 6 2017 1:24 AM

    Thanks Dave,

    I've sent you a friends request, if I see you online I'll give you a shout :)