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Forfeit penalty

Tue, Sep 12 2017 3:25 PM (8 replies)
  • MrBully105
    2 Posts
    Sun, Sep 10 2017 3:18 PM

    there needs to be a serious penalty for forfeiting, atleast on the third hole. Seriously tired of idiots that you have matched on holes 1 and 2, they get a bad shot of the tee, or miss a put, and they forfeit.

    there is no penalty now, they might not get a any xp, but they dont lose anything either. A loss of creits and xp seems far for screwing with other players fun.

  • phred952
    2,714 Posts
    Sun, Sep 10 2017 8:50 PM

    Wow.  What a concept, punishing people for quiting.  No one had ever thought of that before you came up with it all on your own.  Why don't you use the "Contact" link below and send Customer Service a note suggesting thy do that.

  • MrBully105
    2 Posts
    Mon, Sep 11 2017 3:10 AM

    If no one says it,  it wont happen.

    btw it should also apply to timeouts.

  • phred952
    2,714 Posts
    Mon, Sep 11 2017 7:27 PM


    If no one says it,  it wont happen.

    btw it should also apply to timeouts.

    Here's another concept.  Use the search box to the right before you pose a question that's been brought up at least 10,000 times. 

    While you are planning ways to punish people, how about having WGT take their clubs, paid for balls and only leave them with starter equipment? 

    If you haven't figured it out by now it's been complained about a lot.  WGT hasn't changed it yet, and they probably won't.  Learn to live with it or only play against friends.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Mon, Sep 11 2017 11:37 PM

    they might not get a any xp

    Incorrect - they will still get XP for the holes they have played

    As for the rest of the post, can you name another company that punishes their customers?

    Put quite simply.....that would be bad business the answer is WTG will not punish people for quitting.

    I understand that it is frustrating, we have all been there, done that.......

    The best combatant is to play with friends and CC mates, people who will not quit on you. If you play with "randoms", it is part and parcel of the game, especially in the lower levels (but no level or tier is immune) so if you continue to do so, you have to accept this will continue.

  • ostfriedel
    2,052 Posts
    Mon, Sep 11 2017 11:51 PM

    One problem is that nobody is possible to know the reason for leaving in every single case. Maybe the player is a quitter. But maybe his kitchen burns. Or he gets a call that he is surprisly needed at work. Or he just realizes that he has an heart attack and decides wisely to visit an hospital. There are a lot of possible scenarios about reasons to leave a game. Because of that I think there will be no penalty for leaving by WGT´s side. Quitters are losers but it seems we have to live with them.

  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Tue, Sep 12 2017 1:34 AM

    Kitchen burning? Would be wise to finish cooking before WGT time! ;)

    Apart from all reasonable or not-so-reasonable personal causes, don't forget the odd disconnect by technology weakness and failures!

    And don't forget: It's just an online computer game - take it easy!

  • mrcaddie
    2,429 Posts
    Tue, Sep 12 2017 6:13 AM

    there needs to be a serious penalty for forfeiting

    I feel your pain, but as another player posted, WGT has no idea why someone DC's/quits.

    But sometimes it's blatantly obvious, it happened to me last night. I was playing with two friends in an A/S game and we needed a fourth, we picked a random player (a legend) and on the sixth hole(?) his partner (my friend) accidentally hit the "concede putt" button by mistake and this guy jumped all over my friend for conceding the putt and then promptly disconnected.

    I added the guy to my blocked players list and hopefully I'll never have to deal with him should do the same if you encounter any obvious quitters.


  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Tue, Sep 12 2017 3:25 PM

    it happened to me last night. I was playing with two friends in an A/S game and we needed a fourth, we picked a random player (a legend) and on the sixth hole(?) his partner (my friend) accidentally hit the "concede putt" button by mistake and this guy jumped all over my friend for conceding the putt and then promptly disconnected.

    And if he were to hold off with out going off I am sure the other team would have given us the next one to make it Even to keep the game FUN .
