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Equipment advice for L51 just hit Master

Sun, Oct 1 2017 2:32 PM (11 replies)
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  • ElDoradoBalls
    4 Posts
    Mon, Sep 11 2017 11:25 AM

    Hi everyone

    This is my first ever post after seriously enjoying getting into WGT over the past couple of months. Absolutely love this game! Literally just hit Master tier last round :-) and :-S

    There is lots of great advice on this forum which I've read, but I thought I would ask for any input on my situation in terms of my first major equipment purchases.

    I did a couple of offers and got up to a balance of 6943c. I have already bought the L48 R1 Driver based on repeated advice from many - very happy indeed with that! Missed the discount (doh!) and paid full whack so my remaining budget is 4448c. There's one more offer I plan to do for another 700c which would leave me at 5148c. I'm very happy to have spent some money on a few offers, but i'm not going to be someone that pumps a lot more money into this, or does lots of videos/surveys, so i'm not expecting to be able to rapidly increase my balance more unless I start to do better in tournies (and going up to Master this may not happen for a while I imagine!). So what I'm saying is I need the clubs I get now to last me for a good while.

    I'm definitely planning on getting the G25 L59 irons based on the consistent advice on various other threads, so with the discount that will take me down to 2992.5c remaining for other items - this is where I start to get less sure of what to do. I've come up with the following options:

    3 WOOD (I'm dropping/not bothered about a Hybrid)

    I believe will need a long 3W to stay competitive on longer holes because of the longer tees at Master. So I'm thinking either:

    L58 Ping G25 (235yrds - 490.5c after discount) or L69 TM M2 (240yrds - 895.5c after discount)

    Main difference seems to be +5 yrds and +.5 forgiveness on the M2, but twice the price. How much is the +5 & -.5 worth? Anyone played these clubs and have opinions on them? Any other suggestions?


    I'm in two minds as to whether to upgrade putter at all. I feel pretty good about the starter*. I've rented some putters when levelling up, and the tricky thing I feel is it will take a whole lot more than 2 free hours to get used to the change and figure out whether it will work better for me. I think this is particularly true of putters above other club types, for example renting the R1 Driver I could tell in about 20 seconds how much it would improve my game. 

    The one putter that really stands out from the crowd in terms of stats is the Max Control because of the increments, but I can't really see myself spending that much on a putter for a very long time.

    So again based on advice from other threads i'm thinking the Daytona at L55 (652.5c after discount)

    (I'm a ding putter by the way)


    This is possibly the thing I most confused about what to do.

    The L74-80 Clevelands seem to be pretty universally praised, so that may be the ultimate goal, but the big question is whether I can wait another 23-29 levels with the starters*. Also at 1435.5c a pop after discount, I would only be able to afford one even if I go with the cheaper G25 Wood and Daytona putter, or two if I forget the wood and putter entirely and stick with starters* for the foreseeable future, and eventually upgrade a long time later.

    If I do get something now I'm thinking it would be the cheaper Clevelands:

    CG16 L7-8 (495c each as have missed discount) or 558 RX2.0 (995c each as have missed discount)

    * When I say starters, I actually play entirely on iPhone and use the cheapest "coin gear" rentals all the time, so what i'm using is in fact a little better than complete starter gear

    BALLS - I've only played with the free balls up to now. I'll see how many credits I have left and go from there!

    So to summarise the main options i'm looking at in terms of budget for Wood, Wedges and Putter are:

    1. G25 3W + Daytona putter + 2 x CG16s = 2133c

    2. G25 3W + Daytona putter + 2 x RX2.0s wedges = 3133c (would need to make another 150c from somewhere which is doable)

    3. M2 3W (I would need to up 18 levels first) + Daytona putter + 2 x CG16s = 2538c

    4. G25 3W + Daytona putter + starter* wedges until 1 x Cleveland wedge at L74-80 = 2916c

    Or with any of the 1-4 options I could stick with the starter* putter and save the credits, which would make getting the L74-80 Clevelands easier when I get there. E.g. option 4 but with starter* putter means I wouldn't be far off affording 2 wedges rather than 1

    Or..  5. Starter* 3W and putter + starter* wedges and save as much as possible for the 2 x Cleveland wedges at L74-80 = 2871c

    (reminder, budget is 2992.5c)

    Any thoughts very much appreciated :-)



  • phred952
    2,714 Posts
    Mon, Sep 11 2017 7:54 PM

    I hadn't bought a separate driver when I got to L59, so I bought the complete Ping G25 set.  I used that 3W until I got toL81 and then bought the L81 Ping 3W.   I eventually bought the L86 Nike 3W as I had better luck with it than the Big Bertha 3W.  I found that the L81 Ping 3W played about as well as the L72 X2 Hot 3W at 1/2 the cost.  I was very happy with the L59 3W.  You need around another 76K XPs to get to L69.  That's a long ways away.

    I would consider buying the L39ish ATV wedges.  You should drop the hybrid and get the 64, 60 and 56 degree wedges  Yardages are 50, 77 and 93 yds respectively. They are 495 credits each.  I used them until I could get the L80ish Clevelands.  It will take you around another 150K XPs to get to L80.  You don't want to wait that long for better wedges. One other option would the the L50-L52 Max Spin wedges.  Be aware that they do live up to the name.  They are 895 credits each.

    You could get the L59 Ping 3W and the 3 ATV L39ish wedges and the Daytona putter for 2755 credits.  That might be the best option for you at this time.

    This was just my experience and your experience may differ.   But I hope this helps a bit.  Good Luck.


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Mon, Sep 11 2017 9:54 PM

    You could get the L59 Ping 3W and the 3 ATV L39ish wedges and the Daytona putter for 2755 credits.  That might be the best option for you at this time.


    The wedges are the best deal in town, and any custom wedges will show that the Starters are crap!

    The Ping 3W fits to the irons in meter speed, and the Daytona is a bargain in these levels! Alas, if the Starter putter fits you well (it strays on long distances!) you might wait for vetter putters in higher levels.

    Expect to buy custom balls for slower meter and better performance, but beware that they wear and get lost!

  • phred952
    2,714 Posts
    Tue, Sep 12 2017 6:45 AM

    +1 alosso.  

    Consider WGT G12 of G13 balls for a slower meter if you need them.  They are available in both spin and distance versions and are a good value for the money.  I often use the G13-S balls for general rounds played for fun and some CTTH things.  They run 99 cr for a sleeve in white.

  • ElDoradoBalls
    4 Posts
    Wed, Sep 13 2017 1:43 AM

    Thanks very much both of you! Really appreciate your advice

    I am sold on the G25 3W and the Daytona putter! With the wedges, my hesitation comes from looking at the stats and conflicting advice I've seen around regarding the L39 ATVs vs the L8/L31 Cleveland CG16s on various threads.

    The Cleves seem to have high trajectory, some people seem to say that high trajectory is much better. Also the lowest level Cleves have +1 forgiveness in exchange for -.5 precision and -.3 spin vs the ATVs. The meter speed of 3.0 on both means I will be missing pings pretty often so I would tend towards taking the Cleves. I will be getting some slower balls like you both suggest which should help, but i'm not planning to spend a whole lot on balls so I imagine this may continue to be an issue. 

    I did actually try the Max Spins when they unlocked and found the big thing for me was the same low forgiveness (2.5) and meter speed (3.0) as the ATVs which was a problem for me - it was not pretty!

    In terms of the distances of the clubs, i'm torn, because like you say Phred, the 50 / 77 / 93 appears to give good coverage with the G25 irons and I like the idea of having a 50 wedge, but I also find it a lot more convenient to calculate shot lengths with rounder numbers like 60 / 75 / 90 (particularly playing on a tiny iPhone 5 screen!) so the Cleves have the edge for me there.

    I must say that I'm getting drawn towards the more expensive Cleve L31 RX2.0s primarily because of the slower meter and decent forgiveness, although at twice the price it would mean finding a way to get some more credits for the 3rd wedge, and also mean that its going to take significantly longer to save up any more credits for any future purchases. I just hope they would last me long enough to not be kicking myself down the line for not saving the credits. If not the L31s then although I very much respect your opinions in favour of the ATVs, I must say my i'm currently leaning towards the lower level Cleves.

    Anyway, i'm going to put the G25 3W and Daytona in my bag and chew over the wedges decision some more.

    Any further thoughts appreciated


  • Hochstetler
    340 Posts
    Wed, Sep 13 2017 11:53 AM

    i would just save all those credits till you level up more.. lvl 59 ping iron set is the best you can get at low lvl.. 

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Wed, Sep 13 2017 9:43 PM

    The numbers don't tell the whole story, and, while I never played the Cleve wedges, I assume that a lower level would mean a higher price for the same performance or lower performance. I'd rather choose the L40ish Pings as an alternative than the lower Cleves, with any workaround for the missing 64° wedge.

    Also be aware that you'd probably be driven to buy some high level wedges, L75 up, which are a class of their own in precision, shooting darts to the green.

    Concerning calculation, wedges, like woods and irons, have a non-linear power : length characteristic. For precision shots, we rely on mapped tables rather then on calculus.

  • ElDoradoBalls
    4 Posts
    Fri, Sep 15 2017 1:09 AM

    Thanks Hochstetler, yeah i'm definitely getting the G25 L59 irons for sure - can't wait! And the other definite upcoming purchases for me when I hit the unlock levels soon are Daytona putter at L55, G25 3W at L58. Its just the darn wedges that are causing me a headache!

    Thanks again Alosso

    The numbers don't tell the whole story

    Yes that's the impression I've got from reading the forums - makes things tricky! And add to that that there are differing opinions from people who have the experience such as yourself. I'm trying to take it in but also think for myself.

    I totally take your point about the Pings - hadn't properly considered them, and at that price they do look a better deal than the lower level Cleves. So one option i'm now looking at is the 50yrd ATV L39 64° and then two Pings (maybe 60° 75yrd and 52° 100yrd).

    But... the other option is still the more expensive mid-level Cleves. One element in my thinking is that even if I get slower balls to make me able to play the 3.0 faster meter on the ATV & Pings, they still won't match the rest of my intended setup which is driver 3.5, 3W 4.0, irons 4.0, putter 4.5. So the 3.5 meter on the Cleves is attractive because it fits better with the rest of my set. The downside is the cost meaning that I would have to go over budget and find another 1100c from somewhere, and in the longer run it'll mean I'll have less credits for my next upgrade round, but that might be quite a while away anyway.

    Still chewing on it!

  • phred952
    2,714 Posts
    Fri, Sep 15 2017 8:24 AM

    While trying to keep your meter speeds all the same is admirable, you will find that different types of clubs with the same meter speed still have some variation in the rate the meter moves.  The meter on my NIke 4.0 driver, 3W and irons seems to move faster for the 3W and irons than the driver, for example.  All of the lower and mid level wedges have a 3.0 meter except the Clevelands and the Mac Daddys  and they are very expensive compared to the others.  

    Especially when you figure that when you unlock them you probably will want the top level Clevelands.  You will also want a better ball with some spin, because as you tier up your approach shots will get longer do to the longer tees.  Spin will help you reduce roll out.

    I would consider the WGT G12-S balls @ 64 credits a sleeve now.  They have a 2.0 meter.  That should make playing the 3.0 meter wedges easier.  Or the G1-S for 49 credits with 1.0 meter speed. Or the G13-S for 99 credits with 2.5 meter.  For a better ball for tournaments the Cally L33 would be the go to ball.  I used the G13-S for fun play and the Cally for tournaments when I was around your level, as they have the same meter speed.

    Good Luck

  • flatstick96
    233 Posts
    Sat, Sep 16 2017 9:19 AM

    When I was working my way up through the levels where you are now, I bought the L30 TM 3W and used it until I got to L81, where I bought the Ping 3W mentioned by Phred.  I still use the L81 Ping 3W (I'm almost L92 now) and I don't foresee changing it for a while longer.

    Early on I bought the cheap L39-L42 ATV/Gorge wedges, and I still use them at my current level.  I've rented "better" wedges a number of times since, but I never like them enough to warrant replacing the cheap ones I've been using all along, so I've stuck with what I have.

    I have the Daytona putter, and I firmly believe it's one of the best (if not THE best) "bang for the buck" purchase in the entire pro shop.

    For balls, I use either the ultra cheap B-ES (10 credits) or the slightly less cheap Tour-SD (65 credits) depending on what format I'm playing.

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