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FREE Swag Idea

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Sun, May 29 2011 7:51 AM (2 replies)
  • trumpy959
    99 Posts
    Sat, May 28 2011 11:05 PM

    As WGT makes the move toward's 'Pay to Play' coarse's like Cabo Del Sol I have an idea that goes along with the most recent Dove GISD ball giveaway. Exposer is always a great way for advertisers to make $ and I'll bet we havent seen the last of this here at WGT which wont be a bad thing... everybody wins!

    In an effort to help people reach into there credit vaults and also as a way to help WGT better promote the idea, why not give away some free swag from time to time that has the premium coarse's logo on it to those who are playing it... for ALL to see ( ie:  a ball,  a shirt,  a patch, or some sort of accessorie).

    just a thought...


    5,835 Posts
    Sun, May 29 2011 3:06 AM

    Whats a 'shwag'?

  • trumpy959
    99 Posts
    Sun, May 29 2011 7:51 AM

    Promotional merchandise, promotional items, promotional products, promotional gifts, or advertising gifts, sometimes nicknamed swag, are articles of merchandise (often branded with a logo) used in marketing and communication programs. They are given away to promote a company, corporate image, brand, or event. These items are usually imprinted with a company's name, logo or slogan, and given away at trade shows, conferences, and as part of guerrilla marketing campaigns.

    * The word Shwag is also a slang term for low grade marijuana but I was refering to the description above, pardon the spelling error.