I would really like to see the ability to hold Club Level Match Play and Alternate Shot Tourneys. I looked and could not find this suggestion.
It sounds difficult, but, I think it can be done: Have the club set the match play times. When you sign in to wgt you will be reminded of your match time and taken to the Tee (5 minutes before the match). If you try and start a Stroke Play, Tourney Match, CTTH, etc. within 1 hour of your CC Match, then, a pop-up should be displayed reminding you of your match time.
You have 5 minutes to show up on the tee. If you do not, then, the match is forfeited.
Another way to do this is via the Chat room you have on your list of To-Do's. If you have a Club Specific Chat room then Groups can be created by the Tourney Director or automatically through some algorithm.
I know there may be many problems to be worked out: People may drop or lose connectivity and leave a partner stranded.
Regardless, this is the joy of being apart of a club.