Robert1893: Having 13 matches within 48 hours is possible.
You'd have to elaborate that - just list the hours of the Event when the matches happen.
E.g. 0:00 - 4:00 first match
4:00 - 4:02 time to search next opponent
4:02 - 8:02 second match...
12 Clashes of four hours fit in 48 hours in theory, but certainly there are spaces between them, squeezing the twelfth one out. Eleven is the maximum feasible.
But, we met a CC in one of the last Events which showed a record of 13 Clashes in about 33 hours.
WGT's reply to my report was
this should not be possible and may be a display or counter error.
and they requested a screenshot as if this was new to them. Of course I had one, showing their W8 / L5 record shortly before our Clash ended (which they won) and 11:09 hours to go in the event: