I'll try.......
Every putt is straight, by that I mean u choose a spot to aim for and u hit it there, if it perfectly level with no up/down then the ball will go there.
Secondly if the puttis uphill u must hit it harder and the opposite is true for downhill. T
This is all very obvious I imagine but it is the combination of up/down and side slope left to right and right to left.
U still with me ....
The final and most important consideration is the speed of the putt, more speed on he ball means less break, less speed more break.
So a fast ( Tournament green ) 10 foot downhill ( v6 in ) will only require about 2 ft of power , whereas a slow 10 uphill ( ^6 in ) putt ( standard green) will require 16 ft of power.
It is the combination my last 2 statements that tells u how much break to allow for.