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Match play with multiple players

rated by 0 users
Mon, Jun 6 2011 1:02 PM (7 replies)
  • TurkishTerror
    2,177 Posts
    Mon, Jun 6 2011 7:16 AM

    Now one can join a match game, 1 v 1.  It would be cool if we could have 4, 8, 16, 32, and 64 match player challenges.  I guess just wait for the other players to finish.  This would also be cool to set up w/ in a country club.  Just a convenience thing, to bypass all the "what time, what day" messages, and an opportunity to make more credits.  Many people here dont like to play for more than 200 credits.  Kinda like a ready-go, but with match play.......................

    btw, im sure this has been mentioned before but Im just reminding WGT


  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Mon, Jun 6 2011 8:32 AM


    Now one can join a match game, 1 v 1.  It would be cool if we could have 4, 8, 16, 32, and 64 match player challenges.  I guess just wait for the other players to finish.  This would also be cool to set up w/ in a country club.  Just a convenience thing, to bypass all the "what time, what day" messages, and an opportunity to make more credits.  Many people here dont like to play for more than 200 credits.  Kinda like a ready-go, but with match play.......................

    btw, im sure this has been mentioned before but Im just reminding WGT




    it does sound fun but would be very hard to implement. i seen community run tourneys and sometimes takes days there to schedule/complete a match,.

    this would be more complicated, i think


  • TarheelsRule
    5,603 Posts
    Mon, Jun 6 2011 9:21 AM

    That does sound a little complex.

    How about some match play games with a partner.  Ryder style formats, 2 versus 2 in best ball.  Maybe even some scramble formats, although I could see how this would be tough to do.

  • TurkishTerror
    2,177 Posts
    Mon, Jun 6 2011 9:57 AM

    Win a match play and just wait for the person to finish.  First person available, you play immediately.  The more time you have, the higher number of players you can challenge.  Kinda like a poker format, shootout.  Winner of the table waits for all other winners to finish before playing again.  If you have to leave, you forfiet, your fault. 

    I think something like this could be very popular........


  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Mon, Jun 6 2011 10:58 AM


    Win a match play and just wait for the person to finish.  First person available, you play immediately.  The more time you have, the higher number of players you can challenge.  Kinda like a poker format, shootout.  Winner of the table waits for all other winners to finish before playing again.  If you have to leave, you forfiet, your fault. 

    I think something like this could be very popular........



    You assume that everyone is online at the same time. Sometimes it takes a week to get 2 people in the same room, imagine what you're saying.


  • TurkishTerror
    2,177 Posts
    Mon, Jun 6 2011 11:45 AM


    You assume that everyone is online at the same time. Sometimes it takes a week to get 2 people in the same room, imagine what you're saying.


    No, no, I must not be explaining this worth a crap:)  Go to match play, create or join a game.  Kinda like the alt. shot tourney, it wont begin until the desired number of players sign up.  Forget the ready go comparison.  Compare it to an alt, shot game.  Once 4, 8, 16, ect.... people have signed on, the match begins.  You lose, you leave.  You win, you wait for the other winners to finish.   If you win your first match game and then have to leave, you forfiet.  Players know how much time they have to play before they sign up.  

    Just like an alt. shot game if there is trouble finding another player, you can leave, and move on to something else.   


  • TurkishTerror
    2,177 Posts
    Mon, Jun 6 2011 12:02 PM

    I know its probably never going to happen.  Dont get me wrong, I love this site.  Just think increasing the number of players in match play would be cool.


  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Mon, Jun 6 2011 1:02 PM

    I see what ya saying. Personally, i doubt it'll happen.
