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My recommendation to Make this Game Great Again

Tue, Nov 21 2017 2:46 PM (14 replies)
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  • krskfr
    458 Posts
    Mon, Nov 20 2017 1:00 PM

    Was just perusing through some of the scores and can't help but shake my head at how it's getting more and more common to see 54 and lower for heavy wind and tough green speed from not just the top tier, but the second tier as well. Wasn't it just a few years ago that a score of 58 would have won a ready go in similar high wind/tricky green speed conditions? Perhaps WGT can find a way to make shooting such low scores tougher.... I dunno, remove some of the top echelon balls or equipment? Utilize VEM even more? Something must happen to make it tougher to shoot such low scores - just my 2 cents mates.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Mon, Nov 20 2017 9:17 PM

    Deviation - No need to increase anything.  I know it's a mouse click but limits of random as to what is acceptable on good shots. They could increase it on bad shots but who would that help..........we know the answer.

    Balls need a detune as do clubs, but Nikes sell.

    Also, it's worth remembering that as 54s become 58s so can 58s become 62s, and so what really changes?  

    Sometimes it's also OK to just say well played to good players.  Put the time in in an effective way to understand what they need to more than most, and can play well.




  • shovlovin
    2,112 Posts
    Mon, Nov 20 2017 10:06 PM

    Well buddy you have fallen into the same brain washing nonsense that is rife in today's world, "Dim everything down" Health and Safety; what is wrong with trying to achieve what our peers have done instead of trying to move the goal posts. 



  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Tue, Nov 21 2017 12:40 AM
    I agree with the OP.......but.......that horse bolted a long time ago.

    Clubs and balls have become better in the search to fill the company coffers. Just look at the scores in the first VUSO to last years.....

    At the end of the day, does it matter if the winning score is 42, 52 or 82? The score you card is relative to the best score.......

    Personally, I do not care if more variation is thrown in, but isn't the game meant to be a game of skill....... variation, like unfair winds creates an unfair advantage....but hell, I just play for fun.....the score is secondary to that.

    Effing formatting went....manually done again

  • ostfriedel
    2,052 Posts
    Tue, Nov 21 2017 3:05 AM

    Too many personal caddies named Otto Dinger. Seems we have to live with that.

  • Wutpa
    4,803 Posts
    Tue, Nov 21 2017 9:23 AM

    I think this game is still perfectly great if you are primarily a social and country club player like me. I'm not interested in the credit competitions like ReadyGos and so I view the regular low scores in those competitions with detached interest - it's like something happening in a neighbouring country.

    Of course the scores are going to get lower and lower though, because newer equipment gets introduced that makes the game easier. And sure, partially that's to fill the coffers of WGT but there's also a constant clamour from players for new equipment too.

    But WGT have painted themselves into a corner now with the top equipment being too good for the courses, and I don't see any way back. It's s struggle when it comes to introducing new courses too, just look at Erin Hills, a massive course IRL but on here there were sub-60 scores being shot within minutes of it being available to play. The forum is full of players' suggestions for new courses, practically all of which would get broken in two by the existing equipment and player skills on here. So would Augusta if, in the parallel universe where such things are possible, it ever found its way on to WGT. 

    The only way I can see the major competitions on here being a true and equal test is if they were all like SOTW - fixed equipment (and balls) that everyone must use, but that would cause a furor too so I don't see that happening.

    But like I said, this is only really an issue for those like the OP that like to take part in the credit payout tourneys and are used to being able to compete there. I'm not one of those so on the whole this game is just as enjoyable for me as it has ever been.

  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Tue, Nov 21 2017 10:06 AM

    Its not the clubs or the balls thats the problem . Its the playing the same courses over and over under the same conditions for years . WGT is supposed to have multiple pin settings for each course . Yet they wont put the time in to upgrade the existing courses by changing the pin settings .

    How many years does it take to learn St. Andrews Kiawah or Bethpage ? Players learn the courses inside out and are able to post those low scores .WGT has the time to always add new gear to the pro shop but none to improve the overall game play . Since a course is added once a year the remaining time in between should be spent with changing the pin placements . 

    There should be at least 3 different pin settings at each level . 3 settings at easy 3 medium and 3 hard . Then let the game randomly set the pins as the tournaments are set up . This would make the game play harder . If they could just continue to add new pins under the settings the more the better . 

    But since this makes too much sense we know that this wont be happening .

  • MainzMan
    9,591 Posts
    Tue, Nov 21 2017 10:33 AM

    I kinda see this from both sides.  Sure, the scores are insane, no doubt about that.  But, as been mentioned over the years, the best players will still be 6 or 7 shots ahead of the rest of us mortals.  I'm ignoring the Otto Dingers of the game when I say this by the way.

    So, making the gear worse isn't the answer, unless they make every club Ezy-Slice in which case we'll all fook off.

    Yes, more pins would help but the very best here play many, many rounds and will soon learn them all.  We'll be back to where we are now very quickly.  I do agree that it's mad that several courses only have 1 pin position though.

    Something I've suggested many times and I really believe would help control the scores a bit is to make a full power shot more difficult to play than one with less power.  Anyone who's ever played golf in real life knows that when you try to whack the dimples off a ball you have a far greater chance of playing an inaccurate shot.  Why not make it the same here?

    Keep all the clubs and balls as they are, keep the meter as it is.  But, at 80% power have it turn orange and the club loses a percentage of it's forgiveness.  At 90% power and above it could turn red and forgiveness is further reduced.  You could even make the meter run down faster at higher power.  This would simulate swinging the club faster in order to hit the ball harder.

    This way you have to decide whether you want to rip it and risk missing the ding or play a bit safer but sacrifice distance on that club.  I guess it sort of falls down with irons because you could just take a longer one but then you have a lower flight and less control of roll out.

    The game needs more risk/reward to make it entertaining again, at the moment there's very little risk involved.

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,663 Posts
    Tue, Nov 21 2017 11:34 AM

    Or simply make all ranked rounds be played on uneven lies. 

    WGT then has to readjust variables of UEL since they're ridiculously exaggerated right now and do not really simulate real-life golf.

    And it should be made available on mobile, of course.

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