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Multible players at turnaments

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Tue, Jun 14 2011 1:55 PM (22 replies)
  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Mon, Jun 13 2011 2:02 AM

    I think it's a great Idea, I can understand the reason why not, but look at it this way..

    Your a member of a Golf Club. Every w/kend and during the week the clubs hold their local comps. We all play in groups of 4, all playing to win the comp, sure everybody on the green looks at how the rolls of the green is like, from other players...that's golf.

    Profesional Comps...they all play in multi player groups, all striving to win the comp, not knowing if they did or not until they finish (of course they can see the leaderbourd).. they all learn from other players in the group about the speed of greens, wind conditions...etc.

    Good Idea


  • hooks4u2
    416 Posts
    Mon, Jun 13 2011 6:42 AM

    I think it,s a great  idea also. But i,m starting to think that most of the members and wgt staff have never picked up a golf club or played a real tournament in their life.  If you are looking for reality in this game , what more could you want to be paired with a 4some or 3some in a tourney to  experience what real pro,s feel and thats pressure . yeah its nice to play by yourself, quit and start over when you screw up on a hole, and even finish the round later if you have to, but is that really golf? I posted a topic about a year ago about pairings in the open,s because i felt like the low scores wouldn't happen if the championship round was set up in a mult player format. At the time i just wanted to see someone shoot the low 50,s with my own eyes. But hell , i couldn,t qualify anyway, lol. i dont see why it wouldn,t be a option for country clubs at least to see how it works. Like some1 said it could always be an option for the player. And as far as the cheating and players helping each other goes, its already happening and there,s nothing you can do about it. I played with some1 who drove the 1st hole at bethpage black , then said " i wont show you that shot anymore lol" then exited the game.. explain that one ???  I really wanted to know how he did it, i was a pro at the time, and thought it was something i,d be able to do as a master. NOT........ WGT let us play together in the cc,s at least, it a very good idea...HOOKS

  • JaLaBar
    1,254 Posts
    Mon, Jun 13 2011 10:22 AM

    In CS it is a good dea, though very good is quite a bit excessive.  In other tourneys, it is a horrid idea for the reasons I mentioned.  I'll back it if you will promise me that no player will get any help from any other player during any tournament game, either via in game chat or outside game chat.  Until you can guarantee that, it is and will remain a very bad idea.

  • hooks4u2
    416 Posts
    Mon, Jun 13 2011 12:48 PM

    i found out that there are no guarantee,s in this game. If they could guarentee that my meter wouldnt start laggin and stutter starting when im about to have the best game of my WGT career then we,d all be happy,,,, oh my bad, maybe that is a bit to excessive

  • aceydeucey
    504 Posts
    Mon, Jun 13 2011 2:25 PM


    Oh... I proposed that idea years vago and i doubt it'll happen. Most players play better in single player, so that's likely why it'll never happen

    Another reason is then  2nd player can help first with reads and such.


    But that is not real golf.  Name me a tournament at any level where you are allowed to play alone.  It just doesn't happen.

    Also, being able to read putts happens all the time in real golf.  That's just part of the game.  The putting grid should be viewable to all players for putts, pitches and chips.  No one makes us turn our backs to the player putting in real golf, so why can't WGT make the grid viewable?

    I know WGT will never change this, but it would be an improvement over the current system.  Only time you play alone is when you are practicing, or playing a course for fun. 


  • JaLaBar
    1,254 Posts
    Tue, Jun 14 2011 3:10 AM

    First, you are correct that real golfers don't play alone.  However, there are rules in real golf against offering advice to another player on reads, club selection, wind, etc.  So, until WGT can come up with a way to enforce those rules, multi-player tourneys are a bad idea.

    I do agree that the putting grids should be visible... but if you watch the path and velocity of the ball, they are readable without them.  I have seen many a putt curl short at the end and hit mine a bit extra and made it.

  • JaLaBar
    1,254 Posts
    Tue, Jun 14 2011 3:12 AM

    Or... ok, here's an idea.  You can play tourneys in groups, but only random groups.  Players in real golf tourneys don't get to choose their groups.   So, you queue up and the first group that is available gets thrown together to play.  That way, chances are you aren't playing with people that want to help you.

  • hooks4u2
    416 Posts
    Tue, Jun 14 2011 6:44 AM

       wow, the light finally come,s on. Random pairings like multiplayer stroke play. only it,s a tourney. who would have thought it ! great idea......whoa, but i cant help anyone.... so i can only use my normal verbalism during the round ( hi ) gee , that might work. Oh but wait,, now i have to worry about getting booted out of the group ...because the arrogant legends wont play with me

  • JaLaBar
    1,254 Posts
    Tue, Jun 14 2011 7:01 AM

    Now, keep in mind that giving any advice in tournaments is a violation of the rules... so if I am in a group, and one player says to another "Play enough wind", I will screenshot this and have both players DQed from the tourney.

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Tue, Jun 14 2011 8:57 AM


    Now, keep in mind that giving any advice in tournaments is a violation of the rules... so if I am in a group, and one player says to another "Play enough wind", I will screenshot this and have both players DQed from the tourney.

    Both?  What? Player 1 for saying it, and Player 2 for reading it?

    Here's your dilemma, you read and received it too as did the 4th.

    Don't you DQ the whole 4some?