The rule is that giving or requesting advice that is not readily available to all players is a violation of the rules in golf. For example if player A says that there is OB on the right on this hole it is not giving advice. It is just a general information that is available to all players and their caddies. If player A says to play this shot to the left edge of the green because it bounces right off that ridge then it is a violation since that was knowledge learned through playing and not as a part of the club information. If player B asks player A what club he hit then he is penalized unless that player is his partner. If player A responds then they both would be penalized.
In WGT, playing in a group of 2, 3 or 4 you tend to see players give information and ask for information all the time. You are of course allowed to give your partner advice and if in doing this the other players here you and benefit there is no violation. For example if you tell your alt shot partner to hit more club because the hole players longer than the yardage, you aren't penalized nor are you opponents since they didn't solicit the advice, even in real golf.
There is no way to police this in WGT if you allow multiple players to play together in tournaments. Also as mentioned, most players are much better playings alone than in groups since you can play at your own speed and concentrate better.