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Questions from a relative Newbie

rated by 0 users
Fri, Dec 22 2017 11:46 PM (5 replies)
  • QuotaRelief
    101 Posts
    Wed, Dec 20 2017 12:08 PM

    I'm relatively new to WGT.  I play the mobile version only from my iPad.  I generally play 3 hole stroke play matches, and once in a while will enter free tournaments or just play a ranked round on my own.   I also recently joined a CC, and have learned to use my free pass to contribute to CC points, turf wars, etc.  However even though I can see I'm now in the top 50 of contribution points to my CC, I don't even really understand what benefit it is to be in a CC.   Honeslty,  I really don't have the slightest clue what I'm doing with this game. (Other than I do enjoy it).  LOL

    What I mean by this is I read these forums, and realize I haven't yet learned 1/10th of what there is to understand about this game.  As example, While I know I get XP points after each match, other than I understand they contribute to me getting to the next level - I really don't know what else they get me.  And I sure as hell couldnt tell you what I should be doing to maximize XP or other points.  I know you sharpies have this stuff down.  I also see there is some type of difference between playing on a Pc vs on Mobile, but really don't know what.

    I'm sure I could go on and on about things I don't understand about the game.  Perhaps there is a pretty simple primar that I haven't seen and should read?  I'd actually like to get better with the game and understand all aspects of competitive play.  Any advice or previous discussions or articles you all could suggest or point to would be appreciated.



  • QuotaRelief
    101 Posts
    Fri, Dec 22 2017 4:03 PM

    Guess I'm alone on this one?  As much as I like the game, I think there is an astonishing lack of info on game progression, techniques, nuances, etc.  I generally like to sink my teeth into something that I'm interested in.  Unfortunately I just haven't seen any good primers on how one should strive to progress in this game.  Another example is since I'm a Mobile user, I tend to play the coin games.  (I'll likely be playing less with this lousy 1 hole format).  With that said, it seems the more advance players don't even play the coin games.  Would be nice to understand why.  

    Oh well, like I said maybe it's just me?  Would be nice to know if other new players feel the same.  Or better yet did some of you advanced players once feel this way and if so, how did you learn other than just playing? 

  • drmoose
    3,546 Posts
    Fri, Dec 22 2017 5:15 PM

    Try the search box to your right>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    If you don't find what you're looking for there, check out Youtube videos for WGT, almost everything has been covered in one area or another. If not, join a CC, and get some tips from members, most everyone is happy to help. Happy hittin' & Holidays.

    Doc :)

  • Robert1893
    7,730 Posts
    Fri, Dec 22 2017 5:43 PM


    Welcome to WGT. I'll see if I can address some of your questions.

    First, I play exclusively on my iPad Pro. I don't play the PC version at all. But I also don't play any of the coin rooms. I started playing because I really can't play golf (IRL) and this serves as a nice substitute.

    The other person is correct. You really should take the time to search the forums regarding specific questions that you have. That's really the best way to learn the game and pick up a lot of tips. But that's true of joining any new community. You sort of look around and see what's going on.

    There are a few benefits of being a member of a country club. If the CC is above level 4, then you get the putter pal and shot pal for free. That can help a lot with your putting and approaches.

    Another benefit should be that club members should help you learn the game by giving you pointers and helping. But the club needs to be active. Finally, the club should be a place you can find friends to play against. But if you're playing solely on a mobile device, you'll probably want to make sure that the CC is mobile friendly.

    The game isn't really cross-platform compatible. Mobile players can play other mobile players but can't play PC players. I understand that there's a bit of a workaround to that. But it's also my understanding that it doesn't work all that well.

    Let me know if there's anything else I can possibly help with.

  • JFidanza
    1,676 Posts
    Fri, Dec 22 2017 8:23 PM

    my humble opinion,


    I've tried both versions and the PC version is countless times better, and all you need to know about anything, about 97% of the info, can be found with a forum search.

  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Fri, Dec 22 2017 11:46 PM

    I also recently joined a CC, and have learned to use my free pass to contribute to CC points, turf wars, etc.  However even though I can see I'm now in the top 50 of contribution points to my CC, I don't even really understand what benefit it is to be in a CC.
    XPs help you to climb the levels (you're at L60) and get more equipment available (and spend more money for the benefit of our host). On mobile, climbing the levels will also promote your tier (you're a Tour Pro now). Next step is Master, which will result in more difficulties in playing.

    BTW: You'd find plenty of advice here to make useful equipment choices...

    With CC passes, XPs help the CC to rise in levels. Generally speaking, the CC gets the same amount as you. The benefits of the levels are listed in the CC section somewhere, but many of them aren't too valuable, and I can tell you that your L9 CC has all the important bits available. Thus, there's no real need to maximise. Also take my two Pfennig that there's NEVER a need to buy a CC pass!

    Besides the coins matches, you may play strokeplay up to 18 holes when chosing a course first from the left menu, and you may invite WGT friends (on mobile) to join you. That may be good fun, with the built-in chat or an additional voice communication program like Skype or TeamSpeak (dunno if that works on mobile).

    I'm sure I could go on and on about things I don't understand about the game.  Perhaps there is a pretty simple primar that I haven't seen and should read?
    The FAQs are here =>

    Also, come back to ask us if you didn't succeed in the search =>

    Hope you make friends (e.g. in your CC) and have a lot of fun!